| News Comment | There's only two… - Interview at 22:10:28
I want so badly to sing there's only two furlongs for many many years. Good luck Darnell I'm really rooting for you. |
 | News Comment | QPR back Ferdinand’s plan with Ramsey risk — column at 11:08:45
'In interviews with Reece Grego-Cox and Darnell Furlong to be published on this site next week, they speak about the difference it has made in training sessions right through the club to know that good behaviour, hard work and decent showings in training will result in first team chances regardless of your age, name, agent or resemblance to Niko Kranjcar. ' Such a difference that they've gone from competing near the top of the tables to now getting absolutely raped across the age groups by scores of 12-0 13-0 and 14-0. The only positives this man has brought are hypotheticals. |
 | News Comment | QPR back Ferdinand’s plan with Ramsey risk — column at 10:25:07
'The honeymoon period is already over. There are those willing to accept a poor second half to the season, point to the mess Ramsey inherited from Redknapp, recognise the injuries to key players such as Fer and Vargas' Sure this is obvious. 'and give Ramsey a clean slate and the benefit of the doubt with his own players.' Do not understand why these two position have become conflated. Absolving of blame is not a positive reason for giving someone a second contract. |
 | News Comment | Bad eggs and even worse defence — knee jerks at 15:57:05
'I believe we were 4-0 down, might have been five, when we had a shot that was parried by Hart, hit Phillips and for a millisecond seemed to be heading towards the goal. In the background there, as the ball span goalwards on its extremely slow trajectory, a young QPR fan leapt to his feet, hands in the air, only to place his hands on his head and close his eyes in despair as Hart strolled over and retrieved the ball. 'If only,' he thought, 'If only we could get one back - you never know!' The poor lad has some harsh life lessons ahead of him, but it was the sweetest reaction I've seen from a fan in some time. Broke my heart. |
 | News Comment | Survive or drop, appointing Ramsey is a no-brainer — column at 08:38:08
This is a good article and raises a lot of good points, it's gone some way to convince me of Ramsey. However there are several positive references to Kranjcar, such as him being anything other than atrocious and that it wasn't foreseeable that playing him in a central two against Arsenal would be an unmitigated disaster, which is ludicrous of course. He's the worst player in the squad by a mile. Bad at everything. |
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