| Forum Reply | Erected in Bristol this morning at 01:01 16 Jul 2020
More people in the UK didn't vote for Brexit than did vote for it. Somehow I can't see you advocating applying your logic to that situation. |
 | Forum Reply | Nailed it at 17:11 7 Jul 2020
"Murray is speaking from experience, I presume, in suggesting the UK isn't as racist as we keep being told. And I have to agree. I can count on one hand the number of times I've witnessed racism in all my years of being around pissed-up revelers and the like." You're absolutely right and I owe you an apology. You didn't state you've never seen any example of racism, just that you could count the times you had witnessed racism on one hand and implied it was only because of people being drunk. The implication by agreeing with Murray is still that racism isn't that big a deal in this country, which is a pretty sweeping statement to make based on the experiences of two white men. I dare say the average person of colour may be better placed to comment. As for the rest of your post, you seem to resort to insults immediately on being challenged, then accuse anyone to the left of you (which I imagine is everyone short of the EDL) of doing exactly what you are doing. Which is completely ignoring the points of view that you disagree with, if you need that explained. Regurgitating the contents of the thesaurus you swallowed doesn't make you sound as intelligent as you seem to think it does by the way. |
 | Forum Reply | Is the lock down ending too soon? at 12:48 5 Jul 2020
Some parents save their annual leave to cover school holidays, 1 parent works and the other takes leave, then they swap. That leave would soon run out if it has to cover more than the usual holidays. Some children are looked after by grandparents or other family members/friends during holidays. Obviously that's more difficult to arrange currently. There are childcare scheme run during school holidays specifically for parents who need to work through the holidays and need childcare. Those won't be running (or will be significantly reduced) for obvious reasons. There are probably many more I haven't considered. I don't doubt there are somee people who are treating lockdown as an extended holiday from work, but there's a lot of people making assumptions about other people's circumstances. Reminds me of the threads on another contentious topic... |
 | Forum Reply | Nailed it at 10:54 30 Jun 2020
Well that all makes you sound lovely, how pleasant. Whether any of it is true is another matter of course. Thankfully for me, I wasn't trying to take the piss out of you, just Glossy. After all, he's never seen any examples of racism, so it can't actually be a problem. |
 | Forum Reply | Nailed it at 09:39 29 Jun 2020
If I was black, I'd be so relieved to hear from all these white people lining up to tell me how they've barely ever witnessed racism in this country. Would make me feel so much better I imagine. |
 | Forum Reply | It’ll be a sad day... at 23:46 27 Jun 2020
So number of goals and assists is the only way we can rate an 'attacking forward' then? Good to know that nothing else they do on the pitch matters. Lamah scored a goal every 7 games he played for us, Routledge a goal every 10 games. Roland will be delighted to hear he was a better player for us than Wayne. |
 | Forum Reply | Nice in London last night at 13:49 25 Jun 2020
Yes. Genuine question: what does the video in the OP have to do with BLM? |
 | Forum Reply | It’ll be a sad day... at 10:37 24 Jun 2020
If you follow that line of thinking, then you must think Leon was pretty sh*t too. |
 | Forum Reply | Man Arrested For Urinating Beside Memorial at 14:47 15 Jun 2020
I agree with ECB that jail time for this offence is ridiculous. You and Kerouac's misguided belief that the media has not focused on the graffiti from the previous week's protest is laughable. It was all over the media for the week and almost certainly led to the violence that occurred this weekend. If any media had photos of the people doing it that could lead to them being identified, it would have been circulated just as widely. Your belief that you and Kerouac are some kind of sages spotting what's going on in opposition to reality is only beaten in the hilarity stakes by his claiming that he's a liberal. |
 | Forum Reply | The world is laughing at us at 12:30 15 Jun 2020
I would think Spain for example would be looking at it and wishing they could have it so easy. Or perhaps they've forgotten things that happened less than a year ago as quickly as the OP seems to have. [Post edited 15 Jun 2020 12:30]
 | Forum Reply | Tummer at 16:58 14 Jun 2020
His reaction was what you'd expect from someone with a huge ego and thin skin, but was I the only one who watched the video of him on the ramp and thought 'is that it?' I can't stand him, but it just looked like a 74 year old being cautious on a slope. Feel free to disagree, but I feel like this just feeds the fire of his supporters who think the rest of us attack everything he does. |
 | Forum Reply | London Mayor Sadiq Khan at 19:39 12 Jun 2020
Please show these one sided demands for balance. Nice attempt to portray yourself as a victim, just adds to the pompous arse persona you've perfected. |
 | Forum Reply | Chinese Alan at 19:11 12 Jun 2020
This x1000. As proven by this thread, very few people are likely to be offended by these shows, no matter what side of the political divide they're on. It's a shame the tabloids spend their efforts on 'stories' like this rather than actually writing real stories. Still, bread and circuses and all that. |
 | Forum Reply | London Mayor Sadiq Khan at 12:05 12 Jun 2020
Don't flatter yourself, I ignore 90% of your posts as they're not worth anyone's time. I down voted your post for you though, as you seem to enjoy it so much. |
 | Forum Reply | London Mayor Sadiq Khan at 16:12 11 Jun 2020
I didn't think it did. It's illuminating who did though, judging by the down votes and responses. |
 | Forum Reply | London Mayor Sadiq Khan at 10:48 11 Jun 2020
They're looking at removing it temporarily as they're worried it's a target to be defaced/torn down. If you're well aware of that and your post was an attempt at humour, my apologies in advance. Interesting comparison with Churchill though. If we're defending statues of Churchill because of his leadership in WW2, do we demand the removal of a statue of a man who was an outspoken supporter or Hitler and fascism? If we don't call for it's removal, are we not being hypocritical? |
 | Forum Reply | Peter Shilton at 13:33 10 Jun 2020
Afraid you've missed my point there. The minority who are there for reasons nothing to do with the protests are a handy excuse for certain people to shift focus away from the real issues that the majority of the protesters are trying to highlight. How many people on this forum are looking to discuss why the protests are happening and how many are looking to discredit it because of the actions of the minority? Read a quote about an entirely unrelated topic earlier that I think fits quite well: "This movie is about the fact that personal repression gives rise to larger political oppression...That when we're afraid of certain things in ourselves or we're afraid of change, we project those fears on to other things, and a lot of very ugly social situations can develop." |
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