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35 Years Ago Today ...
at 16:13 16 Sep 2024

I won't name 'names,' not to embarrass any of our local fans. One or two I considered friends at the time, quite a few years before they became officially connected with the club.

However, it has to be said, one of those named, not a local, who has often faced regular criticism by Swans fans on forums etc was an absolute monster in the Ship Tavern when the bar, without an escape route, was surrounded by approx. 1,000 Greeks fully intent on attacking the 35 Swans fans trapped in the bar that night.

All, I learned later, wanting to extract retribution upon 'English football fans,' as they believed us to be, who had caused mayhem in Glyfada a couple of years earlier, before a World Cup qualifying match. Many will understand what I mean, when saying how England and their fans (especially abroad) were the main hooligan firm in those days.

The Ship Tavern, during the Monday 11th to Friday 15th trip, had become an unofficial HQ for Swans fans. There was no trouble at the pub before the night in question, although as Keith states, there were definitely low numbered 'skirmishes' in and around the Glyfada town centre, on the nights leading up to the match.

This, I need to clarify, at least from what I witnessed, was not due to Swans fans instigating trouble, it was mainly, when making our way back to our hotels, being ambushed and having to defend ourselves from aggressive Greek 'scalp hunters.' With the local police seemingly determined to a) contribute to any bruising and b) swell their personal wallets in dishing out 'immediate fines.' for any reason they could dream up.

I myself, 32 at the time, was beaten with truncheons and 'arrested' on the Monday evening, for no apparent reason, other than to expect me to contribute to their overtime pay. Photos of my bruises provided by the police, appeared in a Swans Fanzine being produced at the time.

It was amusing being in the station with a Swans fan, who, when the Police were 'taking his details' insisted his name was 'Colonel Gaddafi.' I took another punch to the back of head for having the temerity to laugh with him, at his comical defiance.

Going back to that 'not local fellah,' who travelled to Athens to be with his Swans fan mate. He was a 'colossus' that night, when the Greeks were surrounding the open Mediterranean type bar, turning the scene into a mini Rorkes Drift.

By smashing down the stonework walls of adjacent bars and hurling them in at us. The bar was open plan and had a beer garden which separated us from the Greeks trying to get at us, by riding Vespa type bikes into the bar. Our unnamed Colossus, lifted a bench style wooden seat into his groin and was using it as a club, to smack these riders off their bikes. Honestly, It was pandemonium!

I'd been a soldier (QDG's) serving out in Northern Ireland in the Seventies...but I have to say, that night in the Ship Tavern was the most afraid for the likelihood of facing serious injury (or worse) I've ever been involved with. No-one in the bar that night started the trouble, it would've been akin to suicide, such was the overwhelming numbers gathered around the bar.

Eventually, after about an hour or so of this defensive battle, their police arrived, to arrest the Swansea boys. Who later had been trapped on a staircase leading to a nightclub, in trying to make their escape from the pub. The boys 'ran the gauntlet' of attacks, when being manhandled over to the large van (the type you see photographers chasing, when accused people are transported to court) which they'd brought to transport the Swans fans from the area.

The aggression of the crowd was such, they were rocking the van, in a determined attempt to topple it, to get at the Swans fans. It was a harrowing scene indeed. The police needed to use their batons on the crowd, to keep them from succeeding. I was seeing the later part of this from one of the adjoining bars, having managed to slip away when seeing the Police arrive.

The following day, as we were kept under armed police guard, in a room at a local building, not being allowed out of it all day. It was suggested I became a spokesman for the fans, and also, with trying to liaise, in getting the 10 held in jail released.

It was all a bit of a circus when we eventually arrived home after the Fulham match. The media were focused on exaggerating the story as much as possible, every incident spoken of was twisted, to have violent connotations.

And because of that, the anger of the people in Swansea, not necessarily Swans supporters grew, when hearing of the injustices Swans fans had faced. This focused the City on getting 'justifiable revenge,' as it was seen, on what had occurred, as it got closer to the second leg, at home in the Vetch.

As you may be able to understand from my posting, the events of that Cup Winners Cup visit to Athens, for the match against Panathinaikos, has lived long in my memory.

And, while no football fans are ever considered 'innocent,' I know, I saw, I was part of the build up to the events, the Swans fans in the Ship Tavern that night, most certainly did not instigate the violence. They did though need to defend themselves against a co-ordinated massed attack, on the pub they'd peaceably spent the last few nights enjoying their European adventure.
35 Years Ago Today ...
at 15:31 13 Sep 2024

I was there!

What a night! What a fabulous, battling performance from the team after being 3-0 down.

Then the following night, the notorious Ship Tavern incident. (I was there too)

The Glyfada police ripped off the Swans fans of a couple of thousand dracmas (sp?) that the Swans party raised, to help the boys who were held back in jail.

We were held under guard all day on the Friday, before being frog marched, escorted by police with machine guns onto the plane.

Arriving at in London, to banner headlines in the lying Sun Newspaper of us having caused "Millions of pounds worth of damage!"

Before we were very reluctantly allowed by the Metropolitan Police, to travel into London to see the Swans play Fulham at Craven Cottage.

I wonder how many regular posters were on that trip?

Never been back to Greece since.
[Post edited 13 Sep 15:35]
Thanks for the point Jackies
at 12:48 26 Aug 2024


What's all this anti-Neath stuff!?

You'd be amazed at how much of our support live in Neath lads.

I've always said it...

Born in Neath...raised in Neath...and buried underneath!
Bianchini looks like a permanent.
at 14:07 22 Aug 2024

I hope to gawd Bianchini doesn't get confused by kit colour if he comes on, on Sunday!?

Sorry Lads, but the link (checked twice) doesn't work for some reason?

Could just be me being a 'Technosaurus' though?
[Post edited 22 Aug 14:13]
Preston Penalty Claim
at 14:20 18 Aug 2024

From how I saw it...

The ball hit Darling's thigh...and was deflected onto his arm?

Therefore it wouldn't have been a penalty. However, from the referees position, he may not have seen that?

I'm reluctant to repeat, but I said at the time how our penalty, while justified, on another day may not have been given. And with theirs not given, followed by Abdulai's hip directed goal, I hope to gawd, we haven't used up all our luck before next week's 'derby match.'
SiriKi Dembele
at 09:22 2 Aug 2024

Don't forget we've got Ginnelly coming back too.
Bordeaux fold
at 15:05 26 Jul 2024

Yeah...that piece who works behind reception. knickers, knockers, knackers.

[Post edited 26 Jul 15:15]
Bordeaux fold (n/t)
at 15:03 26 Jul 2024

[Post edited 26 Jul 15:16]
Swansea City finances
at 14:52 26 Jul 2024

"Bahraini parking space magnate Omush Wezu Khartou."

and "awright mush. WhereamI meetin' ew to ?"

Brilliant, both bloody brilliant!

The best I can add...I was up near Mayhill and I run into the wife of an old acquaintance. How is he then? I asked her. She replied "Oh him...he do do my 'ead in e do!"
Carl Rushworth
at 15:19 19 Jul 2024

Hmmm, interesting.

I wonder if that opens the door for Rushworth to potentially return to SA1?
Swans U21 score 5 away
at 08:18 19 Jul 2024

Thomas Woodward scoring...based on his reputation, "It's not unusual"
Swansea City new signing, and yes there are more to come
at 11:29 22 Jun 2024

Well, personally, I think outlaying all that cash is definitely a bit O.T.T.

Edit: Sorry, I hadn't read the other posts about him, to see this joke has been used a couple of times before.
[Post edited 22 Jun 11:33]
Glan Letheren RIP
at 18:39 6 Jun 2024

Wow, I've only just read this about Glan...

Apart from seeing him as a more than competent goalkeeper when he was in goal for the Swans, I really got to know him when he came to work with me.

I was the manager of Cwmdu's Indoor Cricket Centre, Blazeball in '88 to '89. (Which in later years became the unit the Swans set up shop in) Glan came to work there for me and, due to our Swans connections, we got on really well straight away.

Glan was genuinely a smashing guy. Because of of his pleasant, helpful personality, he was very popular amongst the (adult) indoor cricket players. Many of whom didn't really know him as a 'Footballer' as he was quiet and discreet about his time with the Swans.

Unfortunately due to another Indoor Cricket centre opening in Llansamlet, it created too much competition for a unique, but minor 'sporting attraction.' Meaning both of the centres closed after a year. Sadly, that also meant we went our separate ways, and I never met Glan after Blazeball shut it's doors.

He was a splendid man, he was enthusiastic, with a great sense of humour and a good confidante too. I was only telling my son Sam about him in May 2022, at the end of that season's Play-Offs when his son Kyle was in goal for Morecambe. Seeing his son made me remember Glan and our time working together at Blazeball.

Farewell Glan, it was an absolute pleasure to get to know you mate.
Scott Hogan in public dialogue with Paul Watson
at 09:45 23 Jan 2024

howenjack's comment..."Scott Hogan - Crocodile Cwmdu."

Bloody brilliant comment fair play.

Hats off...really surprised no-one else has picked up on this!?

Leighton James
at 12:13 21 Nov 2023

I remember Leighton was signed by the Swans after the transfer deadline. But was given special dispensation from the League, to play for us away at Charlton on the last game of that season, (May 1980) as the result wouldn't affect promotion or relegation issues for other teams at the end of that season. I was there that day when we beat Charlton 1-2.

How many of us, that were Swans fans back in 1980 for 3 to 4 seasons, can forget the massive contribution Leighton made to our promotion to the First Division (as was) back in May 1981 and, into that glorious, never to be forgotten, first season in the First Division.

Leighton's stupendous 'top corner' goal, down at 'our end' in Deepdale on May 2nd 1981, was for me, because of the significance of the occasion, the greatest, most crucial goal of his time with the Swans. Maybe...even his career?

Mind you, him smashing a (direct) free-kick passed Bruce Grobbelaar from almost the half way line, against Liverpool at the Vetch, comes mighty close!

Yeah, Leighton had his opinions no doubt, but what a character. He was part of the crew at my 'stag-night' at Merlins, Neath, back in July 2001...typically, he was one of the last to leave! Mind you the two strippers might have been a factor in that.

Get well soon Leighton boy. You're a genuine 'Swansea Jack' and a never to be forgotten 'Swans hero' of fans from my era.
[Post edited 21 Nov 2023 13:33]
Jake Bidwell coming home?
at 14:20 1 Sep 2023

Didn't Coventry fancy 'Pato' this time last year?

Jake for Pato?

The savings we'd make on Pato's wages, would mean we wouldn't be paying another full wage for Jake?
[Post edited 1 Sep 2023 14:22]
Matt Grimes new deal ?
at 15:10 18 Aug 2023

It's official!
How excited are you?
at 15:19 4 Aug 2023

I've supported the Swans since 1962, aged only 5. And it's fair to say I've nearly always been optimistic at the start of each season. That 'start of the season' enthusiasm has waned in recent seasons I'll be honest, but this time, I'm beginning to have a revival with old positivity again!

And it's a good feeling! Just like missing...and then seeing, an old friend again after years apart.

I'm conscious the new management may take a little time to get their ideas to take shape in the early months. So (September 16th apart) it could be a quite slow start?

But I'm confident from November onwards, we will pick up momentum and we'll end up being there or 'there abouts' a Play-Off spot come next May.

Excitement level? 7.78, but expected to rise..
Fergie, the Swans and West Brom.
at 10:20 8 May 2023

While I don't expect there to be a lengthy discussion created around this posting, I just thought, just like me (because of the coincidence), some may find it of interest.

8th May 2013, 10 years ago today, Manchester United announced Sir Alex Ferguson's retirement from football. Quite a seismic sporting event at the time.

Who were United's last two matches against? Yeah, Swansea City and West Bromwich Albion.

The Swans went down 1-0 at Old Trafford, to a Rio Ferdinand goal in the 87th minute.

And WBA drew with United in Fergie's last ever match at the Hawthorns, 5-5.

10 years on to the day, the Swans and WBA battle it out on the last match of the season.
Interesting Swans stats
at 14:02 20 Apr 2023

For me though, they create a frustrating overview of our season to date.

Where, as has been regularly posted, if only we'd won more than four matches in those 22 between the two cardiff matches...(virtually half a season) we could've been facing an exciting Play-Off battle come May.

That would have raised our profile yet again. Which in turn could've persuaded, some aspiring talent, torn between clubs, to sign for us during the Summer.

Fourth highest scorers in the league, yet only four teams have conceded more and (as perhaps you'd expect) all four are heavily involved in a relegation battle. If our defensive issues had been sorted out (by our 'ex defender' manager) we would surely have been firmly placed in the top six, for most of the season.

I feel it's been a massively wasted opportunity.
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