| Forum Reply | The French need to take responsibility now. at 19:42 25 Nov 2021
That's all correct, but overlooks that people seek out the UK as a destination rather than being satisfied with the first safe place they arrive at. Harsh as it is to say in the aftermath of an awful tragedy, but greed and economic migration is a huge factor in this. The people smugglers are facilitating what people want. [Post edited 25 Nov 2021 19:43]
 | Forum Reply | Boufal on the way? at 15:06 6 Sep 2020
Mixed feelings about this. He's got bags of talent, but he rarely does anything with it. He could be an exceptional player, and with only a year left on his contract you'd like to think he'd work his nuts to get a new deal or another club. Also, who else are we gonna get as cover who'd offer more as back up. On balance I'd prefer to keep him. |
 | Forum Reply | New vaccine by Christmas at 11:54 6 Sep 2020
And there you go...again. Perpetually banging on about political stances and allegiances, labelling anyone who's not aligned with you as a lefty. I'm unsure if you're a troll or just a bit of an idiot. |
 | Forum Reply | incredible at 16:11 5 Sep 2020
Disagreeing with you is not pushing a political agenda. Get over yourself mush. |
 | Forum Reply | incredible at 15:56 5 Sep 2020
I'm not discussing politics mate. I've never made a political point. I've never started a thread. I've commented on threads that exist with my opinion. Who are you to say what I can comment on? You're the one who politicises every thread labelling anyone who disagrees with you a lefty, and expressing wrong opinions about people. When there's footy on I'll discuss footy. I gave you my opinion the other day about all footy matters and I'm not going to give my opinion on what's not happening just to keep you happy. I think it's pretty obvious from the various comments on here that people find you a tedious cvnt. |
 | Forum Reply | incredible at 15:26 5 Sep 2020
Stu, you're obse ssed with this notion that I've had another user name. I haven't. I've worked out your alter ego, if I had one you'd tell me who I apparently am. You can't cos I've never had another login over here. You've told me I wanted an extended lock down, that I'm a lefty, that I'm this and that. All completely wrong, and all it shows is that you're opinionated and just wrong. |
 | Forum Reply | incredible at 15:13 5 Sep 2020
"I'm not a right winger, but I'll label any non ringer a lefty, and call myself Boris". The bloke's just an attention whore mate. |
 | Forum Reply | New vaccine by Christmas at 15:10 5 Sep 2020
So what are you suggesting the government should do? What should be opened up that isn't? Are you saying the message should be "let as many in as you did before"? If so, do you honestly think that the sensible masses would flock back sans mask? |
 | Forum Reply | New vaccine by Christmas at 07:44 5 Sep 2020
OK Matty, you carry on telling yourself it's nothing to worry about. |
 | Forum Reply | New vaccine by Christmas at 22:30 4 Sep 2020
46, 49, 54. The older one to be fair had a few issues, but new ones from covid. The younger 2, issues all from covid. The medical view they've had is covid either has 1.no symptoms, 2.mild, 3.major with all sorts of complications, 4.death. Many on this site appear to ignore no 3, and more the fool them. It's a four sided dice I ain't rolling. |
 | Forum Reply | New vaccine by Christmas at 21:59 4 Sep 2020
3. The only 3 people who I know have had it. All incredibly unwell. One essentially disabled from it. What's the point of the question? |
 | Forum Reply | New vaccine by Christmas at 19:10 4 Sep 2020
There are no stats on how this illness fvcks people up. Healthy people in their forties left with acute arthritis, with neurological conditions, with type 1 diabetes. All new issues for them from covid. It ain't all about living or dying, it's also about being fvcked by it. There's no stats for that, but it's the reality amongst people I know. I don't get this daft obsession of minimising something that's serious. |
 | Forum Reply | New vaccine by Christmas at 22:26 3 Sep 2020
Absolutely this. It's easy to focus on the death ratio in an attempt to minimise the issue. It's more than that though. I know people who have life long complications from covid. People in their forties. No health issues. Physically fit. It's a hideous virus. |
 | Forum Reply | New vaccine by Christmas at 19:00 3 Sep 2020
Sog, come on, we ain't got to politicise everything mate. There's a vaccination apparently en route. Either be happy about or don't be. |
 | Forum Reply | Where's Les? at 18:40 30 Aug 2020
Spot on, and thanks for saving me the bother. If the constant "you're a lefty" nonsense doesn't suggest a right wing bias, I'm not sure what does. He and anyone can be as right wing as he wants, but the persistent emphasis on political allegiances is just odd. To be able comment without the idiot trying to tell people what he thinks of them would be helpful. It's more than a bit pathetic. |
 | Forum Reply | Uk Now in recession at 17:18 30 Aug 2020
Mate, I have no opinion on players we may sign. Rumours are exactly that. We've signed KWP. What's to say? He's decent. Salisu? Feck knows what's happening there. Vestergaard is shit. We may sell him, we may not. We battered Swansea, but our shadow team lost their part. We've got too many keepers, hopefully we'll move one on. We've also got the likes of Sims, Jones, L'undulu who need a move or a loan. We need need a Hoj replacement but we're skint. We got tucked up by a moody sponsor. We may get sold. The new owner may be a cvnt like this one, or not. There you go, it's all covered. |
 | Forum Reply | Uk Now in recession at 16:48 30 Aug 2020
Blimey, you're still claiming to know more about me than I do. Bless. It's the close season. There's no football, and more to the point, I'll comment on whatever thread I want to comment on. |
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