| Forum Reply | D.O.F ? at 00:16 8 Jul 2023
When I see stuff like that I begin to worry that I might in fact be a robot. An actual robot. Fancy that! X |
 | Forum Reply | Mick Beale at 03:47 16 Oct 2022
No it was Pablo Neruda who said that x |
 | Forum Reply | Clarke Carlisle Mental Health WEBEX at 03:44 16 Oct 2022
By the way, if anyone is struggling, please feel free to drop me a message, I understand through my own experiences and would be happy to talk x |
 | Forum Reply | Clarke Carlisle Mental Health WEBEX at 03:42 16 Oct 2022
Really sorry, not for the first time I’ve hit the down arrow when I meant up, big thumbs, small phone! Good post by the way, and also agree with Terry. I have always struggled with my mental health and I think it was pretty clear to people due to my erratic behaviour. My older brother always seemed much more stable. I’m a very open person and talk about my battles but he’s far more closed. He surprised me one day by telling me he was depressed and taking meds for it. He hadn’t really said anything to anybody, but eventually he opened up to a colleague who said “oh yeah, I take those too, so does so and and so and so and…” if you don’t accept it you can’t get help and when you do accept it you need to know you’re not the odd one out, there’s lots of understanding through experience as sadly it’s all to common. The more open we are the more people will be comfortable talking about it themselves, trying to get through it on your own must be horrible, but I feel the more it’s discussed the easier it will be for people to open up about what’s going on in their lives. It pleases me to see it’s definitely moving in the right direction x |
 | Forum Reply | QPR Form at 10:37 14 Oct 2022
Yeah, our last 3 games before the World Cup are against the current bottom 3. No points there then x |
 | Forum Reply | Legends at 04:37 14 Oct 2022
Often indicative of age these things but for me, in my time? Ferdinand Adel Fallen Hill McDonald All up for debate except McDonald, he HAS to be in x |
 | Forum Reply | Legends at 04:31 14 Oct 2022
Sorry hit the wrong button, didn’t mean the -1😂soz x |
 | Forum Reply | Clarke Carlisle Mental Health WEBEX at 04:12 14 Oct 2022
This is such an interesting topic, and for me in particular, I always played football, 30 odd years I played. I had problems with my mental health and it was only after I finished playing that I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. for me in the darkest times there was only one place I could escape to and that was the football pitch. I was the life and soul of the dressing room but it was more often than not a front but when I crossed the white line and lined up for or took kick off I had 90 minutes where my problems disappeared and I cared for nothing other than beating the 11 men in front of me. Often I’d be buzzing after games then generally drunk. I imagine though as a professional footballer, in the limelight, and, it’s your job it doesn’t give the same escape as it did me. I’d imagine it had the opposite effect for Clarke as a professional? I’d be interested to hear his views on escaping his demons, I’m guessing that’s where the drinking came in? Peoples opinions on mental health are getting better, working in the building industry I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the attitude of colleagues when I’ve opened up on bad days. Football is another pseudo-macho world but I do think progress has been made there too with regards to mental health. It’s interesting that this has come up tonight; I was watching the Manchester United game earlier and noticed that Garry Parker was omonia’s assistant manager. I played against Parker in his latter days and alongside him in midfield was joey beauchamp. I joked to my mate that he was famous for signing for West Ham being homesick and signing for Swindon. It was the first time I actually thought about the reasons for that, I found it relatable and only then remembered that sadly Beauchamp took his own life a few years back. My thoughts then turned to Stephen Caulker and the troubles he’s had and the reaction he got from fans, in the same way Clarke got shit. As a mate of mine used to say “only 10% of the world are arseholes” as football fans we’re very quick to judge, but we were always in the dark about was really going on behind the scenes. I truly believe that openness is the best way forward because instead of slating Clarke as I did at the time 90% would have had his back. I’m really pleased you and Clarke are doing this and look forward to it. People say suicide is a cowards way out but have any of us really got the balls to jump in front of a lorry? 😂. I didn’t, kidney failure from a massive overdose was as close as I got!😂. I really hope he’s well now, and hope what you’re doing helps any other pros/fans who are suffering. Well played xxx |
 | Forum Reply | Coach to Bristol City Oct 1 update at 14:03 18 Sep 2022
Sat in the Black horse right now. Not been to Greenford for a while, you’ll be pleased to hear, as I was pleased to see…the railway is no longer orange x |
 | Forum Reply | QPR Academy in Dominic Balls book.... at 22:44 9 Sep 2022
You’re right it doesn’t mean that, you still still need the right staff etc but if the young players you think you can work with choose you over others because of facilities/first impressions it’s a decent start x |
 | Forum Reply | The Queen at 22:34 9 Sep 2022
Very interesting thought provoking points x |
 | Forum Reply | The Queen at 22:29 9 Sep 2022
Really? Has it come to this already. Leave it out mate x |
 | Forum Reply | The Queen at 19:30 9 Sep 2022
Richard III? X |
 | Forum Reply | The Queen at 19:29 9 Sep 2022
Still got the egg? X |
 | Forum Thread | Souness, girls, dinosaurs, the offside rule and me. at 01:40 17 Aug 2022
So…I’m in my mid forties now, I played the game for 35 years, rules change, I no longer get it. Their goal was offiside (I think, but drunk) in everyone of those years, but not now. Please can someone explain. Happy to be proven wrong btw x |
 | Forum Reply | QPR vs the Seasiders match thread at 18:33 16 Aug 2022
Think we’ll Nick this one. 1-0. Dieng to build on last week’s winner by going up for every set piece, scores on nine minutes, we hang on for all 3 points. Side bets: A plastic bag enters the pitch on 48 mins. Likewise a squirrel on 72mins x |
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