| Forum Reply | Morton House Pull Out at 16:25 22 Aug 2021
Genuinely happy for you guys! Well done - looks like you’ve played a blinder. All the best for the future from STFC |
 | Forum Reply | THE GIFTED ROLLS ROYCE / WHY MORTON HOUSE MUST FAIL THE EFL TEST (Part 6) at 12:30 13 Aug 2021
Another heads up guys. It’s been brilliant you digging up the dirt, but please be wary. We - STFC - are appointing a Vice Chairman Zavier Austin. He initially introduced our new owner to Power a few years ago. A couple of weeks ago he was viciously assaulted in front of his 12 year old daughter by some local ‘muscle’. All, no doubt connected to our takeover. Hopefully, the anonymity of a forum can afford some protection. |
 | Forum Reply | If I were Andy Curran and Darrell Rose tonight…….. at 06:23 10 Jul 2021
Not officially, but he was a source of finance with the payback being his son getting a 3 year contract and a guaranteed first team squad place - despite being useless. He has now signed for Maidstone which is still probably above his level. Don’t feel sorry for Curran. Him and his loud mouthed cronies used to rock up at away games in a fancy Roller - right Billy Big Bollocks. If he’s lost money, great. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bloke! |
 | Forum Reply | Sharehunters alert at 15:39 4 Jul 2021
If if does, indeed, turn out to be these shysters contact STFC Trust. https://truststfc.tv/ They initiated a NoMoneyNoPower campaign to starve him of funds. No STs, no merchandise, sponsors pulled out etc. I think it’s vital to stop this before they get control. Easier said than done, though. |
 | Forum Reply | Sharehunters alert at 13:11 4 Jul 2021
Apart from being a shyster, Curran has no black marks to his name - yet. Power will get a ban, I’m sure. It’s looking likely he’ll be out on his arse this week. Hope to God him and his don’t rock up at your place. Don’t believe any single word they come out with. |
 | Forum Reply | Sharehunters alert at 11:58 4 Jul 2021
Best wishes from Swindon! Just a head’s up which may or may not be relevant. This Curran fella could well be the same one who also had a financial hook in our club. In return for finance he had his son put in the squad despite his obvious ineptitude. There are so many skeletons coming out now a takeover is imminent that we fear for our existence. No doubt Power will be looking for another mug club to get his claws into - although I suspect him to get a ban from further involvement with football. That doesn’t mean, of course, he could be pulling the strings from the shadows. Keep vigilant and good luck! |
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