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Accrington's Ground is poor
at 11:46 6 Oct 2012

Spotland and Rochdale FC are a great example of why just providing better facilities isn't the be all and end all of getting a crowd in. If I was Chairman of Stanley and spent the money to build us a "San Spotty" I'd be heartbroken to be still getting piss poor crowds in.
Accy's Team
at 00:12 4 Oct 2012

likely starting team

Dunbavin signed by Coley

Winnard if fit, signed by Coley
Murphy youth team product but spent five years under Coley (mainly right back or midfield though, revelation since switching to centre back)

Joyce signed by Coley
Hatfield 4 loan apps under Coley (2 sub) then signed by Cook a few months later
Boco signed and sold by Coley (to Cook at Sligo) then bought back by Cook

Amond signed on loan by Coley, played attacking mid or winger and scored 5 in 42. Signed by Cook during this season and has 5 in 10 (2 sub) playing as lone striker

do you think he'll play ALL available ex-Stanley players to try to get the extra 10%?
Own worst enemy??
at 14:49 12 Sep 2012

fair comments I suppose but you'd still not change my mind!

Before your friends down the road signed Andy Bishop Coley was apparently close to signing him, at the time we lost out by a couple of hundred quid a week. "Greedy Bastard, good riddance" we all said at the time, then he had a career purple patch and we all thought "tight bastards, should have paid it" At the time Stanley simply didn't have the money, but we did have a goalkeeper coach, a fitness coach, an away travel coach .....

horses for courses but for me its something for the affluent clubs to spunk their money
Own worst enemy??
at 13:02 12 Sep 2012

TEAM GB are Elite Athletes, Premiership footballers are Elite Athletes, Sports Science gets those extra little bits out of them. If an athlete is operating at 95% (talent and fitness) of what is physically acheivable then the little bits extra count.

A Tier 4 athlete operating at about 60% of what is acheivable isn't particularly going to see a noticeable difference.

Its not all tosh at all, but if you are a poor club (and most L2 clubs are) then sinking a hundred grand into something like that seems daft. I might be old fashioned but in terms of value for money I dont think its worthwhile below Tiers 1 or 2
Own worst enemy??
at 02:00 12 Sep 2012

when I was Chairman of the Supporters Club at Accy, we were approached by Coley for funding for some 'sports science' recommended energy drinks. They were endorsed by a who's who of sports stars (who's that? who's this? lol) amongst them was the Arsenal squad. At the time we'd just won the Conference by a huge margin and scored a sackful of goals. We'd settled into League 2 and seemed to be holding our own comfortably ensconced in the play off positions.

Thinking that these fantastic drinks would give us that extra 10 minutes of energy at the end of the match meant that we would piss that tin pot league, we sanctioned the purchase of a wagon load of drinks at a cost of around £700 (twas a powder form thing). I dont think we won for about two months afterwards, we also seemed to get a lot more red cards!

The point is that its all bullshit really, you or me could quite comfortably learn to run for 90 minutes by jogging up and down Owd Betts. Throw on a rucksack full of spuds and you'll garner some new muscles around your shoulders as well. As a previous poster stated, train right and you can eat what you want.

I like to use the example of selecting the right captain, its often said that suchabody started giving an extra 10% when given the armband, and it does seem to be true. State of mind gives a bigger boost to performance than the perceived extra given by eating the right sort of lettuce.

Finally, whatever sports science mumbo jumbo Coley believes in or not, would be the same sort of mumbo jumbo that he utilised at Accy. It was working fine there so should work fine at San Spotty.

I'd be far happier with the suggestion that, bankrolled teams apart, success is pretty much luck for clubs like ours. Every now and again you get the right blend of players, management and fair wind. The rub of the green goes your way and your toast always lands the right way up. For two and a half seasons Coley and his band of misfit released players and free transfers seemed to defy logic and produce results that they had no right to produce. Its not all luck, the manager has to mix the ingredients right, but it goes a hell of a long way
Own worst enemy??
at 18:34 10 Sep 2012

errm dunno why I quoted the Cavanagh thing in my previous post ....
but yes he was a right back for 299 games at Accrington
Own worst enemy??
at 18:31 10 Sep 2012

quote Borodale4
The club has no full time sports scientist, that makes us the only professional football club in the country to not do this

neither do Stanley, neither do quite a few other teams I would imagine, have you checked all 92 club sites?

I know quite a few of your fans keep mentioning things like this, do you all place a lot of importance on it or not? My opinion on these things are that you may get an extra 1-5% out of a player but its really an elite player type of thing, much like an F1 team trying to shave that extra tenth of a second off.

At this level there are so many inconsistencies and shiteness from the players (thats why they're here not championship/premiership) that the minimal differences wouldn't effect much. Maybe all the gippo types should be made to shave their heads as the extra weight will slow them down?
[Post edited 1 Jan 1970 1:00]
Home Singing Section Required
at 18:10 19 Aug 2012

10-20 lads
sing every song at least twice through regardless if its loud or not
never let someone start a song without joining in ("on yer own" might be funny but its counter productive)
get plenty of songs, they dont have to be original
be proud

if your fanbase wants a singing section then they'll come to you, dont bother advertising it, let it grow organically. Keep at it and put the effort in.

We have no churches in Accrington so Stanley is the only place we can go for a sing-song
Two more sign....
at 16:42 10 Aug 2012

Iain Turner is reported to be signing for Accrington today/tomorrow
at 00:57 20 Jul 2012

If Putterill is fit and his head is straight then he will tear League 2 a new arsehole - FACT.

When he played for us at STanley he was shit hot for the first two months, then he got a 2 month ban (or summat like that) for playing against Tranmere whilst under a Scouseland ban having been sent off in a pub game in August.

(or summat like that). When he was available again he wasn't fit and the side was winning week in week out, he couldn't get a look in really. Coley fired him off to get fit and told him that if he sorts himself out then he has a place nailed on, but he didn't or couldn't get fit.

Seriously, if he and Coley are still on talking terms then he must have got himself straight, and he is your hidden gem this year. Coley will have to work on him every week to keep him loved and playing well but he is a cracker when he wants to be.

the earlier poster was right that his screamer was against Newcastle, but most Stanley fans will remember him for the way that he single handedly ripped a decent Oldham side to pieces in the FA Cup.

Jealous tbh
Peter Cavanagh signs/news on keeper, JLAA
at 23:17 8 Jun 2012

a right back that loves making tackles? yes, 15 minutes into the game, oposition penalty area ..... enjoy

Coleman and Sports Science?
at 13:14 12 Apr 2012

with Stanley he won 3 league titles
And the final loan space goes to.... (n/t)
at 18:04 22 Mar 2012

Sean McConvile is an attacking midfielder playing predominantly off the wing. He had a shite start to his career at Accrington after he was played week in week out without performing particularly well. To be fair he came into his own last season where he was joint leading goalscorer with Phil Edwards and Terry Gornell on 13 goals.

He's a lightweight who frequently can't be arsed with tracking or tackling. Having said that he is technically good and is quite adept at playing quick one/two touch football around the edges of the 18 yard box. He shone in a good team but was crap in a crap team - maybe tells you a bit about him.

Like I said some fans never took to him from the start as he was a young lad who came up from the Unibond or summat (Skelmersdale) and got a lot of unmerited game time, but fans took a real dislike to him after he upped sticks and fecked off to join the moneybags revolution at non-League Stockport.

We had feared an exodus of our better players anyway but for him to be the first to go (and kick start the exodus) was galling in the manner that he did it and that he had left a play-off team to drop into non league purely for money.

Rumours of a fall out with Coleman and Bell are probably a case of 2 plus 2 equals .... did I mention that Jimmy Bell is his uncle?
Phil Edwards
at 18:28 10 Mar 2012

yeah, Sunbeds was his nickname

Phil Edwards is my hero
he's awesome at the back
He sees a striker with the ball
And says I'm having that
He wears the Red of Stanley
And I'm his biggest fan
Phil Edwards is my hero
He's got a dodgy tan
(shouted) a dodgy tan, a dodgy tan

was the song (tune of my old mans a dustman)

played at right back for the first two or three dozen games but converted to centre back out of necessity and made the place his own
Phil Edwards
at 14:03 10 Mar 2012

263 appearances for Accrington and the last three seasons each saw him play over 50 games. He holds the Stanley record for most consecutive games at 152, which was only stopped by the accumulation of 5 yellow cards.

Is a short arse for a centre back and Coley famously said last year that he would be a Premier League player if he three or four inches taller.

Not the fastest player around but has very good reading of the game and excellent positional sense, which gets him out of the trouble that his lack of pace might otherwise present. Having said that it sounds like he is a cart horse, but thats not true.

Excellent penalty taker as well but usually weighs in with a goal or two a season from a toe poke in the area as well.

It came as a surprise to all when he upped and fecked off to Stevenage. He had become one of those players who you kind of assume will stay for ever, and it was rumoured that Coley had fallen out with him over the move. Apparently not though.

He'll give you everything he's got - he's an honest player who will put the graft in and doesn't give away silly fouls. Neither does he rack up disciplinary points for needless stuff like yakking to the ref etc.

If you get him to sign permanently you've got a good player there. Not flash, not noticeable, but quiet efficiency.

He also likes sunbeds ...
at 01:12 3 Feb 2012 if you've got a spare day or so have a read what Accy think of McConville.

A more objective view (or for those that haven't the be-arsed to read through 303 posts) would be that he isn't a bad player at all really. The thing with him was that we signed him as a young lad from Skelmersdale as he had potential and is Jimmy Bells' nephew. He is very slight and needed to bulk up a bit whilst he got used to league football. He was fairly crap but repeatedly got games whilst others, some 'crowd pleasers' didn't really get a look in.

He improved considerably in his final season with us but was part of a very good midfield that included Craney, Procter and Ryan and had Gornell dropping very deep. They played a lot of neat little one touch/two touch football that gave the ball back to onrushing midfielders to crack home (the big advantage of Coleys' 4-1-3-1 system). In the right team he's a decent player, in the wrong team he's not.

He had won over a good portion of his critics in his final season but then undid all his hard work by taking a money move to non-league football despite the advice of Uncle Jimmy. Everyone could see that Stockport were heading for a big fall yet he took the move anyway. He had developed some kind of reputation and was being monitored by other clubs who probably weren't quite ready to take him on and wanted to see how he progressed. Taking himself out of the shop window and becoming the catalyst for our play off side falling apart had been hard to take for the Stanley faithful.

I'm not sure how much truth there is in the rumour that he was joining you, or how much truth there is in my rumour, but it was rumoured (how many times can I say that in one sentence) that Coley and Bell wouldn't even talk to him after the move as the felt so let down by him. Like I said, could be nothing in that.

scored no goals in five apps in season 1, 1 goal in 35 apps in season 2 and then 13 goals (some crackers to be fair) in 48 in season 3 - 14 in 88 all told
Hello Lads, Accy Fan here.
at 01:54 24 Jan 2012

Sesason 1 in the Football League and our affable Chairman Eric Whalley was on record as stating that the average wage for a League 2 footballer was (according to the PFA published figures) £52k pa. He went on to explain that our average was £26k. We didn't have 30 players that season so do the maths. And the figure has been said to have been dropped year on year ....

The joke is that we operate on a shoe string and the next manager has to supply his own shoe string
Hello Lads, Accy Fan here.
at 18:29 23 Jan 2012

i really hope that your fans give him the chance to bed down. Coleman is rightly a legend at Accy, but it hasn't always been so. First two years in the Conference were 'consolidation' years in which the football wasn't always attractive and results less so - and it was the same in the Football League for two years.

What you get is a team that will fight to earn the right to a point. You'll play attacking football where the backdoor is frequently left open. You'll get the guts and hopefully the glory.

As a man he is forthright and honest. He won't gloss over anything and he won't tell you what you want to hear. Thats why we (and you) love him and why opposition fans hate him. He wears his colours on his chest.

Many of your fans on here and Accywb are comparing it to when you lost Hill - it isn't quite the same. The parallel is that we both lost a succesful manager. The difference is that at Accrington he had been there longer than 75% of our fans.

He was the club
Coleman fails to agree terms
at 01:53 20 Jan 2012

he substituted the goalkeeper 1 minute before the end of extra time for a supposed better penalty saver - it worked as we beat Bournemouth 5-3 in the shoot-out
John Coleman
at 11:19 19 Jan 2012

as of yesterday no approach had been made and Coleman is understood to be not be interested as he loves his job at Accrington. In mnay respects he is Accrington and it would be a tremendous wrench to leave a club where he pretty much do no wrong. He has the backing of the board and the fans and that would remain even if we were to have a bad season and get relegated. I hope coleman never leaves and dies in the dugout (so to speak!).

No disrespect to 'Dale but he does deserve a move to a bigger club, had PNE come calling I suspect he'd have left without shutting the door, should Tranmere ring him up I think he'd nailed on (just around the corner from him) but Dale aren't quite there. You guys are a big club for League 2 and are probably the Accrington of League 1. That said he has kept us (a conference club at best off the pitch) in L2 for 6 seasons and we have made the play offs, and threatened twice til the last few games. If he could replicate that at Spotland in L1 then I think it would cement his standing in lower league football as a true 'genius' of tightfisted purse strings. You have a far bigger and more impressive ground than us but we have many things in common and he would possibly relish the prospect of trying to do for you what he has done for us.

Taking Rochdale to the Championship would be the equivalent of taking us to L1, and that very nearly happened.

I don't think he's interested in the slightest.
I hope he's not interested in the slightest.
If he does go though he'd leave with a firm handshake from the Stanley fans and would be wished every luck in the world.

But whether its you down or us up I sincerely hope we get the derby game back and it would certainly add a bit more flavour to it!
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