"Let's start the talking; Wake Wilder from his bed. Demotion's sleep-walking While we're...cutting the squad to shreds. Call United's secretary... Can you wire the cash across the sea? OLLIE McBURNIE'S NOT HERE TO STAY, OLLIE McBURNIE IS ON HIS WAY AND WE WOULD RATHER BE ANYWHERE ELSE BUT 'THERE' TODAY. There'll be a cheque - via Swansea - It's sure to crack a smile. We'll have a grand ole' party Go out and dine in DC-style... Only takes one willing payer, One more Rooney. One less Swans player. OLLIE McBURNIE'S NOT HERE TO STAY, OLLIE McBURNIE IS ON HIS WAY AND WE WOULD RATHER BE ANYWHERE ELSE BUT 'THERE' TODAY. Baston is up for grabs, Mike Hoorn's been keeping tabs. He could be the next in line, Over-flow our bucks and dimes With the cash from J.Ayew. And Dan James. And our 'nine'. If we sense danger In our 'professional career', A deal could be arranged With just a word in Mr.Birch's ear. If we're outta luck with inward fees We could sell the Under Twenty-Threes. OLLIE McBURNIE'S NOT HERE TO STAY, OLLIE McBURNIE IS ON HIS WAY AND WE WOULD RATHER BE ANYWHERE ELSE BUT 'THERE' TODAY...... R.D.M. 30-7-19 | ![](/images/avatars/9623.gif) |