| Forum Reply | Jake Burger at 10:44 31 Jul 2024
In his interview he talks about talking with Sam Beckwith before he signed & asking him about the club etc. |
 | Forum Reply | Meet The Board Tonight at 12:05 4 Jun 2024
I had a quick chat with Adam Saul and Jamie Willoughby after the meeting. What came across was that are genuinely excited to be involved, Adam was saying that when they were doing due diligence he was getting really excited and started tracking and checking out the players etc. He said his sons only want to wear their Dale shirts now as they are the only ones wearing them where they live. |
 | Forum Reply | Trust statement - Resignation at 10:32 28 Feb 2024
I rarely post on here but just just like to say that seems a shame. I'm a trust member though not very active and don't know any of the trust board members. From what I read it looked like you had brought leadership and professionalism to the trust. As a shareholder you also managed to finally get my email address added to the clubs shareholder email list which is no mean feat! |
 | Forum Thread | NFR: Rochdale Classic Car & Bike Show at 08:28 13 Jul 2023
This Sunday sees the 4th Annual Rochdale Classic car and Bike Show. The show will be held in Falinge Park Rochdale and is open from 10am - 4pm. Admission is £5pp with under 15's free of charge. We have around 220 classic cars registered to attend, almost 50 stalls. A licensed bar, food options, vintage fire engines from Fireground. The Dale Community Trust will also be there with their inflatable penalty shoot out. More details on our website https://rochdaleclassiccarshow.org.uk/ |
 | Forum Reply | CLUB STATEMENT at 18:26 30 Dec 2022
There is a really good interview on Kieran Maguires price of football pod with Huw Jenkins about how he took over Swansea when they were rock bottom. In the interview he says he would line to get involved with a club again someone like that might be perfect for us. |
 | Forum Reply | Shareholders list compromised at 14:20 3 Nov 2022
When were these sent out? I'm a shareholder and not received anything. I've raised this before with the club as I've not received information before and I've been told my details have been updated but obviously not |
 | Forum Reply | Share sale at 13:20 3 Jun 2020
Someone told me a couple of months ago that he had heard US based people had bought into the club...sounds like there might be something to it. |
 | Forum Reply | Coronavirus at 14:54 20 Mar 2020
Year on year i.e. Jan - March this year as opposed to Jan - March last year I'm actually a little bit up. March v last March as a single month is a different story though, 90% down with just 1 booking |
 | Forum Reply | Coronavirus at 14:10 20 Mar 2020
I'm also in travel , I'm a self-employed home based travel agent , on top of that I specialise in cruise...I started getting the effects of this a couple of months ago when Asia cruises started being cancelled. What's happening in the travel industry is horrendous , probably some big announcements to be made by government/ABTA soon, ABTA are making a statement on Monday. |
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