| News Comment | Southampton V Liverpool The Preview at 14:43:09
Saints are 20/1 with Bedfred for the away win which says more about Sports Republic than it does about the team selected to play Liverpool tomorrow. |
 | News Comment | Ivan Juric Sacking Rumours Surface at 22:18:45
So, if he goes it’s because exactly the same as Russell Martin, he was asked by Sports Republic to do the impossible and keep a team of Championship players and football journeymen in the toughest league in the world. How long is it going to take for supporters to realise where the blame truly lies ? It rests full square with our owners choice in appointing employees at all levels who haven’t the faintest idea of how to run a bath or get home on a dark night,let alone manage a professional football club. |
 | News Comment | Henrik Kraft Resigns As A Director Of Sport Republic at 13:49:38
Absolutely not landsdownsaint, they should never of allowed Ralph to remain in position to start the season during which he was dismissed. If you recall under his guidance the previous season, we won only one game out of the last fourteen. Had it not been for a brilliant display of goal keeping by Forster in that home game against Arsenal, we would have been in the relegation shake up even then. Having said that, Sports Republic have made so many mistakes I suppose we all have our individual favourites don’t we ? |
 | News Comment | Henrik Kraft Resigns As A Director Of Sport Republic at 12:51:18
So, if your list of board member and senior executives is correct Nick, (and I’ve no reason to think it isn’t) the club can afford to pay these doughnuts inflated salaries to make our club a football laughing stock,but can’t pay staff minimum wage to keep the club shop fully open during the week ? Sports Republic really are utterly pathetic. |
 | News Comment | Southampton At Chelsea The Verdict at 11:50:43
Don’t feel bad about leaving early Nick, a good few season ticket holders can’t now even be bothered to attend home games from the start and they have already paid for the “ privilege “. I listened to the pre match build up on Radio Solent. Even the perennial fence sitter Blackmore finally appears to have found the courage to apportion blame where it truly lies. He and Tessum both said that fault doesn’t rest with the players who clearly aren’t good enough, nor with the managers, but squarely with Sports Republic and its owners. Unsurprisingly another humiliation followed shortly thereafter. Will anything change for the better whilst they have the custody of our club ? Not the faintest chance unfortunately. |
 | News Comment | Southampton At Chelsea The Preview at 13:20:35
Juric picked the team against Brighton by writing all the players names on separate pieces of paper and got someone else to draw them out from a tombola machine. Unfortunately this evening there is no room on the team coach for the machine, so the names will be draw from a top hat. |
 | News Comment | Juric Gives Reason For Albert Gronbaek Absence ! Why Sign Him Then at 10:18:40
Good luck to what’s left of our club in trying to sell next season’s tickets if Solak sticks by his promise that Juric will be our manager in the Championship. There will be plenty of space in the Dell Pub and fan zones and they may as well shut the club shop completely. |
 | News Comment | Have Southampton Fans Finally Lost Faith With The Club at 10:50:37
Nick, I glanced at the ticket exchange last Saturday morning. There were 752 season ticket holders seats for resale not 250 as you suggest. Whatever the true figure it certainly didn’t include season holders who couldn’t be bothered to attend or put their tickets on the exchange. Any organisation that relies upon repeat business ( next season’s ticket sales ) finding that its customers can’t even be bothered to use what they have already paid for ( this season’s tickets ) is in considerable problem. A contributor to the Forum section of your site pointed out that there is now a chasm between the Club’s ownership and management who want to turn St Mary’s into a theme park ( fans zones, Dell Pub and overpriced hospitality ) and the majority of supporters who just want a competitive football team. Our club is at a crossroads and sadly I don’t think that its owners or management have the slightest idea as how to get its core supporters back onside. It certainly won’t achieve it by only opening the club shop on the third Wednesday in Lent or alternate Jewish high holidays. |
 | News Comment | Southampton V Bournemouth The Verdict at 10:33:43
“ Southampton supporters turned up in their usual big numbers”, they didn’t though did they Nick ? As of Saturday morning there were 752 unsold tickets on the ticket exchange and that figure didn’t include season ticket holders who couldn’t be bothered to put their ticket on the exchange and also stayed at home. In reality there were unoccupied seats all over St Mary’s for a game against our geographical closest rivals. As for the game itself you could have rehashed any one of your reports from pretty much any one of this season’s home games bar our only win against Everton. A clueless rabble of mainly lower division players led by an equally clueless manager. Is it their fault? Of course not. Blame for our total ineptitude rests with the owners and their employees total mismanagement of what was once a respected Premiership football club. If Sports Republic remain in control next season’s Championship experience won’t be the novelty it was last season and there will be many other opportunities to see St Mary’s partly full. |
 | News Comment | Southampton V Bournemouth The Preview at 10:51:48
Spot on Nick, Juric still hasn’t the faintest idea as to his best team, which if nothing else is at least consistent with all other members of Sports Republic’s senior management. Collectively totally and utterly clueless the lot of them. |
 | News Comment | Adam Armstrong Leaves For West Bromwich Albion On Loan at 15:58:04
Quite easy to see Nick, Juric is getting shot of or margining the influence of Russell Martin’s favourites. Armstrong, gone. Downes, open to offers. Manning,dropped. Will his approach work ? Well it doesn’t really matter this season does it, given that we were effectively relegated during the week the clocks went back.Next season is all that’s relevant now. |
 | News Comment | Saints Said To Have Agreed Deal For Striker From Belgium at 14:39:27
If what is suggested comes about then I totally agree with you Nick, once again utterly ridiculous decision making by Sports Republic’s doughnuts. When it comes to the Saints, over the years you have been consistently optimistic .However, by the tone of this article it appears to me that Sports Republic are finally even getting to you. |
 | News Comment | Southampton V Ipswich The Preview at 11:31:14
Didn’t we throw away our lead against Ipswich at St Mary’s Nick ? Top photo appears to show Ross Stewart, any update on his fitness or is it now conceded that his career with us is unfortunately over ? |
 | News Comment | Southampton V Newcastle United The Verdict at 10:37:58
Nick, we didn’t lose yet another game because of the referee ( who I agree was completely out of his depth) nor did we lose it because of the corrupt V A R system, poor team selection, bad tactics or player injury. We lost it because of Sports Republic’s employees proven inability to control and properly manage a Premiership football club. According to Saturday’s Southampton Echo we have won just a single Premiership game out of the last thirty six attempts over two seasons. You do a fantastic job churning out match reports week after week ( and thanks for doing so ) but honestly, hasn’t the time come for you to start to point the finger at where our problem really is ? |
 | News Comment | Southampton Said To Have made Decision On Tyler Dibling's Transfer at 16:24:46
“ he wants to play football at the top level,but he knows he has to work hard before he gets there” If he were to stay with us ( he won’t) next season it’s irrelevant how hard he works simply because The Championship is not top level. Along with the few saleable assets we have he will be gone as soon as their loyalty bonuses are paid in the summer. Having wasted millions in the last transfer window Sports Republic won’t have any choice. |
 | News Comment | Southampton FC Fail To Learn The Lesson On FA Cup Ticket Pricing at 11:55:08
Send a message to Sports Republic. Don’t purchase their overpriced F A Cup tickets and insidious booking fees. Save the money on tickets, travel, food and treat yourself, partner or kids to something to enjoy. Alternatively, simply give the money saved to charity. Have a positive happy Saturday afternoon for a change. |
 | News Comment | Southampton At Nottingham Forest The Verdict at 11:45:25
Honestly, what is the point of Juric remaining as manager if as it appears (given a mutually agreed contract break ) Sports Republic can’t even tell us if he will be in charge at the start of next season’s campaign in The Championship ? This season was effectively over months ago and we should now be building for August. How do we do that if it’s not even certain who the manager will be ? Sports Republic appointing Juric on the basis they did was yet another example of their total incompetence and ineptitude. |
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