| Forum Reply | John The Bank at 19:34 20 Sep 2024
Great great guy. A fellow Evertonian - loved our chats in The Gari on a Saturday afternoon. Bar would be rammed but he'd just keep on talking about them to me while the rest of the punters were going nuts for a pint😂 Hadn't seen him for years when I bumped into him in that supermarket in Cockett. We'd both been diagnosed with prostate cancer at a similar time so ended up talking outside there for over an hour (mostly about Everton again 😁) Super positive and an inspiration to me. I'm gutted 😢 |
 | Forum Reply | Dunvant at 00:21 18 Jun 2023
Alun Bevan - good lad! |
 | Forum Reply | Nathanael Ogbeta at 01:02 1 Feb 2022
Sounds like Micky Howard. Without the dribbling. |
 | Forum Reply | Omicron at 01:47 6 Jan 2022
Medical apartheid isn't a good thing long term though is it? Can you imagine the outrage if this was an aids/HIV issue? |
 | Forum Reply | Omicron at 14:06 30 Nov 2021
Because I don't think those who govern us have our best interests at heart and have been proven liars since coming to power. How do you view our government? |
 | Forum Reply | Omicron at 13:57 30 Nov 2021
3 monthly boosters eh? Doesn't this make any of you pro-vax the slightest bit suspicious? Or are you stubbornly sticking to your guns because you feel ashamed & mislead? Genuine question |
 | Forum Reply | Dashcams at 11:56 3 Aug 2021
The family are fully aware of the truth in this unfortunate case, Cat. |
 | Forum Reply | Reading 10 years ago opposed to Brentford tomorrow at 12:25 28 May 2021
Same here. I reckon I'll get over a loss after a couple of hours - 10 years ago I would have been sick to my stomach for weeks. It's ok though - we will return to the promised land as I have put £100 on a Brentford win so that's them f*cked |
 | Forum Reply | "Let's be avving you" at 14:15 19 May 2021
Fair point. I will block all women & ethnics from twitter feed when I get home tonight |
 | Forum Reply | "Let's be avving you" at 13:10 19 May 2021
According to my own and a close family members twitter feeds, it appears the successful ones crowing about getting a ticket were mainly women and people from ethnic minorities. Go Swans! |
 | Forum Thread | 13th December 1944 — 27th September 2020 at 11:32 28 Sep 2020
Yesterday at 3:30pm I my lost my dad - my hero and my best mate. The man who helped shape me into what I am today. The man whose opinion I valued above all others and whose approval I constantly craved. The first person I went to in times of trouble and the man who always seemed to know the right way to go about it. Why have I come online to specifically log on to here to share this heartache I feel with people I don't know? I've no idea, but it's been a whirlwind 24hours and as I finally sit here alone with my thoughts, I just wanted fellow jacks to know that one of your own was taken from us. My dad has supported us since the age of 12. He adored The Swans with an unconditional passion that I can't describe, but I know plenty of you will understand. I'm going to miss him so much it hurts. Thank you, goodnight and god bless dad - no more pain. I haven't had a drink and I'm not sitting here with tears streaming down my face, I just felt like having a bit of a ramble, forgive me, it's not intended to depress everyone - just remember every day your mum and dad are on this planet it's a blessing. Cheers everyone. |
 | Forum Reply | Rio Ferdinand at 23:58 18 Aug 2020
His wife is dead? He should have said mun 🙄 |
 | Forum Reply | "I give it a year" film at 23:11 19 Jun 2020
Watched it last week after being sent that clip of the charades scene above. That's about the best bit TBH. Merchant was superb as is the chest on the Yank girl - smashing chebs on display in the shop dressing room scene! A cheesy 6.17/10 for me. |
 | Forum Reply | Outdoor pizza ovens at 10:22 17 Jun 2020
My mate in Loughor built one 18 months ago - he's used it twice. File under: Novelty |
 | Forum Reply | Cereal Racism at 09:17 16 Jun 2020
They have indeed. If Kellogs were deliberately trying to be racist they would have put a few Chinky lads on there surely? |
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