| News Comment | Van Dijk Hands In Transfer Request And Issues Statement at 22:07:11
Can anyone find and post a photo of his agent ? I think the fans should have the chance to tell him ( politely ! ) exactly what they think of him and his client in the unlikely event he is ever seen in or around St Mary's or Soton . |
 | News Comment | Are Liverpool At It Again? at 19:20:04
Saints should issue law suits against Collymore and Aldridge . Need to gag these borderline personality disorder types and their reckless comments . |
 | News Comment | Are Liverpool At It Again? at 15:05:38
You can add the idiot Stan Collymore to that list ! He recently suggested VVD go on strike to force a move ! That's rich coming from him . Check out his CV and his sordid past . What do these so-called expert pundits think they are doing . Yes understandable they have got a soft spot for their old clubs like MLT has but come on are they not supposed to be unbiased ? They act like paid child-like cheer leaders for Scouserpool and their dirty tricks tactics . I dislike most of them . Carragher and the Nevilles are the worst of a sorry lot . They ruin the broadcasts for me with their " dumbing down " comments . Recently one of them , might have been Prutton , said to the affect --- "Oh the early injury and forced substitution will limit their manager's substitution options later in the game " . Thanks for pointing that out Mr Pundit , I would never have known ! Rambling rant over PS who bet on Craig David to be Saints next Manager . Number 73 out of 74 potential candidates on Odds Checker . Gave me and others a laugh ! |
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