Adel is not our only player with guile or creativity. I just wanted to get that on the record. People have been making that claim over and over again as if just saying it would make it true. In fact, it is complete rubbish. It is certainly true that Adel is our most creative player. He is wonderful to watch and probably the most talented player to wear the hoops in a generation. But that doesn't mean he is the only player with creativity or guile. Diakite can be wonderfully creative when on the ball. There were some runs he made down the center of the pitch towards the end of the season that took your breath away. Guile personified. Barton also has a lot of creativity. I know he is on everyone's sh*t list at the moment, but he loves to play creative diagonal balls or little scoop chipped passes. If that isn't creativity, I don't know what is. Also,Tommy Smith and Buzz haven't left yet, and they always plays with acetrtain amount of creative flair (when they play). | |