| News Comment | Smithies, Luongo and a broken central midfield - knee jerks at 00:32:15
Smithies is 25 and has played over 270 games of football as a professional. Asd an ex-parks' keeper myself, I fet that his attempt at catching the ball was weak. As a keeper, if you come for the ball, you get it and bugger anyone between you and the ball. If your own defenders get hurt, tough, they shouldn't have been in the way. Opposition players get close to a keeper at their own risk!! The 2nd goal has to be laid at the feet of Ned and no-one else. Ned is a centre half, a position where players are meant to be strong and not one where impressions of scared little girls are allowed! Am not going to bother too much with Deadman, other than to say, the sooner he lives up to his name, the better. My real target for the blatant basketball being played by the Huddersfield defender was the Ellerslie Road side Asst Ref. What level of blindness/ineptitude did he have. Further to that, why, oh why, do the wrost asst refs in the World have to be permanently positioned on the ellerslie Road side. For once the footballing authorities could send a good one to work that side of the ground. Also, I have seen some nasty Ramsey out comments. Most seem to be based on a reason that I won't mention here and that all decent fans should be offended by. Very few are concerned with his two clear weaknesses, a) the inability to switch formations when things aren't going right and b) his dreadful use of substitutes. Surely, the club can bring in a tactician to give Ramsey the help that he seriously needs in these areas. Finally, can I ask fans to consider who they give stick about our results thus far, especially the Ramsey out brigade. QPR have let in 12 goals in 7 league games. Of these, the vast majority (take note Ned, Perch and others) have been down to childish errors and lapses in concentration that no coach will ever be able to deal with. QPR have, on paper, probably the best squad in the division, yet the goals given away have been comical. It really is time that our well paid professionals took time out and looked in a mirror and then accepted the blame for comical errorrs and childish lapses in concentration that have cost the team so many points! Once they step up, take reponsibility for their actions and man up, this squad can run away with this division! |
 | News Comment | Just don’t mention the FFP — Opposition profile at 23:06:32
We never got to vote on the nonsensical idea that is FFP. The majority of the Championship clubs did. Forest have no one to blame but themselves. They, and Blackburn, were amongst the sides that chose this stupid, restrictive practice that stifles the ability of an owner to invest in the club they own. OK, nobody wants to see a team spend silly money, then go bust, as Leicester infamously did some years back but FFP is an ill-considered, ill-thought out, stupid balls up of an idea that favours the richest clubs and keeps everyone else in their place! Sides like Forest and Blackburn, and others, need to stand up and change this ridiculous system which probably breaks EU free trade regulations and is killing the Championship as a league! |
 | News Comment | Fernandes provides reassurance, talks of writing off debt - fans forum report at 23:44:48
Good stuff, sounds like the owners are learning from past mistakes. As far as ground plans are concerned, I have to say this whether people like it or not, the sooner we are out of Loftus Road, the better. It really is not fit for purpose in the 21st century, unless, of course, the club wishes to bob between the Championship and League 1 like Barnsley, and one or two others I could mention! I do feel that PB has a lot to do to endear himself with fans, a lot of that being due to his own poor performance and lack of understanding of football fans, but the fact that he was at the top table gives us hope that he will indeed learn from his errors as the rest of the board will. Despite what I have said above, I actually am very positive for the future, especially once Warren Farm and the new ground are in place, and to make reference to the comment made by "thehat", Coventry and Birmingham are clear examples of what can happen and what lessons must be learned to ensure we don't go down that road. Tony F and Co have made mistakes but, by God/FSM etc., there are many other clubs etc. who would rather our owners than the ones that they have!! |
 | News Comment | Where do we go from here? at 22:10:12
It's too early to say whether we'll struggle or do well. There isn't a team in the division that has sorted out its squad yet. Like you, I am not an apologist for Neil Warnock but I am on record as pointing out the error of St Tony's ways in his backstabbing of Warnock and his undue haste in rushing in the failure Hughes. In fact, the club have the letter, written and posted to them in Jan 2012, forewarning what damage was likely to be caused by Hughes. I hate to say it but I wrote again to the club after our relegation with what was a lengthy "I told you so" letter, which included the original Jan 2012 letter as a reminder. Guess what? Yes, your're right, no response from the powers that be, though Beard did phone me at home in Jan 2012 when I threatened to send my membership back. Mind you, he also promised to call me after the Jan 2012 transfer window closed. He never kept his promise!! As for our future. I am hoping that Tony has learned from his mistakes and will make sure that we don't do a Wolves. That said, I would like him to put some people on the board who actually know something about football, rather than business, airlines and building stadia! For now, we must trust Harry to point out who needs to come in and who needs to go, even if that does mean the owners digging deep into pockets to pay off the contracts of Hughes' failures. After all, they let him sign who the bloody hell he liked. The board must help Harry deliver, or hang their heads in shame for a second successive season! |
 | News Comment | Simpson starts Redknapp’s ‘right sort’ revolution at 22:21:30
ShotKneesHoop Going by your comments, can I ask, were you a Mark Hughes fan? I certainly wasn't, the club have had my views on Hughes on record since January 2012, and what I said then came true. I am willing to give Simpson, and Harry, a chance. The club needs to be rebuilt and St Tony knows that he made some dreadful mistakes, the first one being the shafting of Neil Warnock for the pillock Hughes. As for Harriman, he will get his chance and I am sure that he will do well. He's just not ready for 46 games of blood and thunder in the Championship yet. Rushing a young player into the side often does more harm than good to both the player and the team! BTW: That quote was never made by Albert Einstein, it was attributed to him many years after his death! |
 | News Comment | Where did it all go so wrong? — Tactics at 20:44:09
It all went wrong because Mark Hughes spent 7 months looking at a defence that all of us knew was totally incapable, yet he did nothing about it. WTF did he get that OBE for? Certainly not for being an Observant and Brainy Erbert!! |
 | News Comment | Bosingwa signs for three years, but is he what QPR need? at 00:46:40
Bosingwa can defend. That alone will put him ahead of Onuoha (spelling??) Fabio and Traore. Am still waiting for the "legend within his own lunchtime" that is Mark Hughes to explain to us why he chose a back four that includede to non-defending full backs and a sad attempt at protecting Hill and Anton F with the dim idea of playing Diakite in a role that he cannot play. Better still, as others (VitalQPR) will testify, I cannot wait for Hughes' resignation as I raised serious objections about his appointment in the first place, both on that site and with the club itself! |
 | News Comment | Football’s Olympic spirit ignored in witch-hunt at 00:38:11
You might have had a reasonable argument, had Team GB managed to do anything. They were OK in the group games (if you like the route one, lump it up to the forwards football, so beloved of Stuart Pearce) but when it came to the knock-out stage, they were as predictable and shameful as ever, as they lost their bottle and ended up losinbg a penalty shoot out to a dreadful Sth Korean side. Football within England/GB/UK, call it what you will, will never improve until there are enough properly qualified coaches that can teach kids to caress the ball with both feet, rather than kick seven shades out of their opponents! Anyone can make a one footed thug like John Terry, it seems that no-one in this country can make a Lionel Messi, or a Christiano Ronaldo! |
 | News Comment | What might have been… QPR bid farewell to the White Pele at 01:01:29
AB did some great stuff when he arrived. Sadly, the club and the level of football required has moved on. Without being nasty, it's thanks AB but it's time to move on. The downside bit is that you were def not the man to wear the No.10 shirt, especially when compared to Marsh, Bowles, Byrne and Currie. AT is! |
 | News Comment | QPR finally Puncheon above their weight — but at what cost? Guest column at 00:26:55
One small point. We do not have an "Academy". That was destroyed by the fools such as Ellis and Wright as they burned the club in Hell. QPR will not have "Academy" status until next season at least! Give Fernandes a chance to start building before you start moaning!! |
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