| News Comment | QPR — The best around for unpredictable entertainment at 07:49:36
I love this article, sums up exactly how I feel about QPR. I'll always take the entertaining arse-about-face punchdrunk version over the predictable midtable stalwarts version, even if I am left bald and deranged by the end of the season. Personally I've been convinced we're going down for a long time now but if we do stay up that last paragraph is EXACTLY how it will happen... |
 | News Comment | 50 Shades of Chav — LFW Awaydays at 08:25:33
Man alive, another cracking day spoiled by the football.. Bankruptcy beckons and yet I wouldn't swap it for anything :) |
 | News Comment | Injury hit QPR seek end to away day blues at Spurs — full match preview at 20:25:02
Totally agree with the comment about Ferdinand. All this hand-wringing and cries of "Won't somebody think of the children?!" is reactionary bullshit. Firstly, sticking to your principles and standing up to bullies is a much more important lesson than teaching them to carry out a hollow gesture for appearance's sake. Secondly, children may not be as articulate as adults but that doesn't make them stupid. They always know when something is awry; and besides which protecting them from confrontation will only make them less able to deal with it. It's not an ideal situation. It's embarrassing, it's boring and above all it's got nothing whatsoever to do with football. Or children, for that matter. It's just two men who don't get on and there's no reason for them to kiss and make up. Ugh. The thought of kissing John Terry just made me feel a bit sicky. |
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