| Forum Reply | Club Advisory Board at 14:39 15 Feb 2025
The fans need to support the trust and help it move forward in the future in whatever guise. Do not under estimate the need for a strong supporters body. It was set up in the time of kilpatrick and Morris to be an independent body and a voice for the fans, over the last 20 years it’s more than proved its worth. When the worst happened it was there ready to lead the charge. Thank god its was. It needs a broad base of opinions to work well. |
 | Forum Reply | Oldham game at 12:38 6 Feb 2025
I read the game in the same way. Rodney was a passenger up front whilst East and Gilmour were being out numbered in midfield . Replacing Rodney with an extra body in midfield would have made us more competitive I’m sure. On the night probably McBride or even Henderson playing deeper could have played there. To me this lack of a battling midfielder who can play has been missing from our squad from some time. The Gary Jones type role. Probably Matty Lund was the last player we had. We couldn’t compete with Oldham on Tuesday and we have struggled against other top clubs York, Barnet, Forrest Green. Simply we don’t have the players we need. Tuesday night probably showed us where we are as a team. Good enough to challenge at the top end of the table and more than capable to secure a playoff spot, but not enough file and quality to challenge for the top spot. This season is probably a step to far for us ,(although I’m not saying we should give up), but this summer we are starting from a much better squad to start with and hopefully recruitment will allow us to add the type of players we need to compete, after all it will be year 2 of the 3 year plan. [Post edited 6 Feb 12:46]
 | Forum Reply | Pitch update at 16:29 13 Jan 2025
I would tend to agree sutty. I’m sure the Ogdens will have known that in order to protect Rochdale AFC as a community asset it would require investment beyond the initial funding made to see through last season, and the capital generated by their purchase of unissued shares. As yet however we haven’t been informed of the extent of their ambitions, other than the plan to make the club sustainable including returning the club to the league. Hopefully some of this will become clear at the up coming forum. |
 | Forum Reply | Pitch update at 15:28 13 Jan 2025
I actually think looking at the potential of moving to a purpose built stadium is a perfectly reasonable thing to consider. Other clubs (Shrewsbury springs to mind) have made it work. It would however need a number of parties to come together such as the council and Hornets to make it happen with issues impacting not only the sporting clubs but the towns development plan. A coordinated approach could produce facilities beneficial to both the sporting clubs aim to be sustainable and to the greater Rochdale public at large. This of course takes time and would be a long term plan. In the short to medium term we would still have to ensure that we have a suitable playing surface at Spotland regardless . This would however explain why they are going to take advice. Whether it be to relocate to a new stadium or as others have muted a substantial financial investment at facilities /infrastructure at Spotland there may be a reluctance to spend any more than necessary on the pitch in the short term if it can avoided, if permanent repairs are planed as part of a bigger project.( I’m not saying that’s correct or good idea either way). We have yet to hear about the long term vision for the club from the Ogdens, hopefully the forthcoming forum will give them the opportunity to put forward there plans. This will include the level of financial backing they are prepared to invest. I am hopeful that this would be bigger commitment than the initial funds they have put in through their share investment. Either way they will need to find a solution that first gets us through this season, and then the new few seasons. |
 | Forum Reply | Pitch update at 13:23 11 Jan 2025
I was referring to the post asking the question ”isn’t the benefit of having wealthy owners so we can spend money on pitch repairs” My point was that was exactly what they were probably doing. I wasn’t asking , it was a flippant comment in jest. Granted I didn’t reply to the post to make it easier for you to connect the two. It was you who then suggested the club should be open saying where the funds are coming from. So it’s perfectly valid to hold the view that sort of thing should be confidential. Hope that clears your confusion 😃 [Post edited 11 Jan 13:25]
 | Forum Reply | Pitch update at 23:00 10 Jan 2025
Why do they have to say who is paying for it? Yes 100% they should be open and transparent with updates on the situation regarding the state of the pitch and what they are doing to put matches in the short term and resolve the issue in long term, but finances should be confidential. I am by no means defending the board. Todays update is long overdue and after the horse has bolted, but gives the fans what they need to know. [Post edited 10 Jan 23:01]
 | Forum Reply | Pitch update at 19:30 10 Jan 2025
Who do you think will be covering the cost of the immediate emergency repairs and any major repairs that can only be done close season |
 | Forum Reply | Pitch inspection 10.30 at 22:44 21 Dec 2024
I think there’s always a need for a trust. The question is what is the role it has to play. The trust has had to evolve over the years. Now if no different, One thing to remember is that’s down to its members. It’s a democratic body. Anyone can put themselves forward to stand for the board and guide its direction. But it need people to step up. |
 | Forum Reply | Shareholders AGM 2024 at 09:10 15 Dec 2024
100%. Agree This has to be followed through and written into the clubs constitution. I’m sure the trust will be discussing this with the club. The sooner that is in place the better. However with the football bill about to be passed it maybe both parties are waiting to see what is in the ledgistration before finalising what form the that golden share will take. We are still in the early days of the Ogdens stewardship but already they have shown their commitment to the club, the foundations are being put in place. I get the frustration around the AGM, Yes 100% the trust and the shareholders need to hold the board to account. But we are miles away from any suggestion that the Ogdens will somehow back out of their promises. I would hope that the fans forum planned will be as open and honest as they have been in the past. Concerns can be addressed and relationships with the Ogdens and the fans can be formed. |
 | Forum Reply | Shareholders AGM 2024 at 22:50 14 Dec 2024
Not if the Ogdens are true to their word and give the trust a golden share. Nothing they have done so far suggests they will back down on this promise |
 | Forum Reply | Shareholders AGM 2024 at 15:15 26 Nov 2024
It is unfortunate that the board have changed the format of the AGM, although the change in the ownership of the club means we have a majority shareholder that makes the passing of any motions fairly straightforward. It is about perception. I wonder if the Ogdens may not be able to commit to both an AGM and a Fans forum and feel the Fans forum lets them reach more fans? Personally if they want to keep the AGM for company proceedings then that’s fine,but either way it’s about communication. Again I wonder if the Ogdens are aware of how past AGMs have worked. However the important thing now is the questions that need to be asked are asked. The top of that list is the role of the trust and confirming the commitment to a golden share. I don’t have any doubt that the Ogdens would go back on this but it still needs to be pursued as the trusts No1 objective. I’m would assume the trust would be consulting members before the AGM. I think it’s important that questions are asked in the AOB section if it is not broached during the AGM. |
 | Forum Reply | AGM change at 07:50 15 Nov 2024
My point is if people think the trust isn’t doing what it should then they have it in their power to change it! People should join the board put forward your ideas, any member has a right to stand The trust will work best when it has a board with a broad set of views. A strong trust needs a strong board and members participation. I’m sure the board will welcome more people to get involved. Since the days of killie and Dunphy the trust has had to adapt. The previous two chairmen have done a fantastic job first in forcing botters out of the club and fighting off Morton house, then leading the fight for survival last season. It would be a shame after all that for the trust to lose influence. The trust role has changed and it must adapt to continue its ability to hold the board to account. But remember communication is a two way street, the board must want to work with trust. In my day kille appointed a director responsible directly to liaise and question was off the table. I would suspect this was different in botters days and would do would he could to hamstring the trust. The trust need to establish that relationship and set out the rules of engagement. As stated above the golden share is paramount. [Post edited 15 Nov 2024 7:54]
 | Forum Reply | AGM change at 03:25 15 Nov 2024
While I totally agree with the need for the trust to provide a link between the fans and the board, a timely reminder to those posting about those representing the trust. The trust is a representative body which is elected by fans. For the trust to work and be strong it needs people to step up. Any member is entitled to put themselves forward for the board. This is the way you drive the direction of the Trust. Various people have put hours of work over the last 20 years to get the trust is where it is today. The previous chairman and those before him ensured the trust was established ready and able to mobilise when the time was required. Do not underestimate the work these people have put in. As fans wemight not always agree with there approach, but they ensure the trust has survived. The trusts shareholding has been accumulated through years of hard work There are many excellent contributors with a variety of different but equally worthwhile views and opinions . Maybe it’s time for others to put down their keyboards and step up . From personal experience I, as I’m sure others will agree it’s fulfilling. [Post edited 15 Nov 2024 3:44]
 | Forum Reply | Online Ticketing Issues at 12:48 26 Oct 2024
They said at the recent feedback meeting the ticket website was t fit for purpose and were looking at options when the current contract ran out. They also said they were working with the current provider to look at the current configuration as it wasn’t good enough. This meant a click by click page by page review which was currently underway. It was stated that Stockport county use the same system but had invested more in set up, the customer journey was much better. They said it would take a few weeks so it’s a case of hopefully improvement will come . Like everything it’s sorting the mess from the previous regime. [Post edited 26 Oct 2024 13:04]
 | Forum Reply | Commercial focus group meeting at 09:33 17 Oct 2024
But x is just a notification the web site is updated. Just like facebook. The story was published on the main website https://rochdaleafc.co.uk/commercial-focus-group-next-thursday/ I don’t think saying x is the only outlet is fair. I’m sure people who regularly post on here will almost certainly check the website. The daletrust have also pushed it on their media outlets. The club have rescheduled this meeting so it’s in person as requested by fans, The fact they are hosting this type of meeting is a real positive. Let’s not start off in the wrong foot and criticise at every opportunity. We need to move forward together. [Post edited 17 Oct 2024 14:54]
 | Forum Reply | New kit? at 15:08 31 Jul 2024
At the end of the day this is the shirt choose, and in the whole it has been well received. As briers says there’s nothing wrong trying something slightly different and we can revert back to black and blue stripes |
 | Forum Reply | New kit? at 13:34 31 Jul 2024
Ha ha I doubt they would have you and me modelling it three lions!!? Mind you if they did I’m glad it’s not stripes!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 |
 | Forum Reply | New kit? at 13:29 31 Jul 2024
Well my eleven year old son who will get a shirt think it looks smart, the best kit we have had. So given target audiences ie people who will buy a kit and people who won’t I guess the club have got it right. |
 | Forum Reply | Trialist at macc at 23:48 23 Jul 2024
Ladapo was trialist a. [Post edited 23 Jul 2024 23:49]
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