Daytrippers- How is it where you are? 10:37 - Mar 31 with 2478 views | Imperial | Social distancing appears to be a distant memory already on the east coast as the beaches get busier. The simple task of taking your own litter away seems to be beyond the capability of a large proportion of visitors as well. There appears to be no middle ground. It appears the view held by most day trippers is the country has restrictions or it has not. Common sense has disappeared again. |  | | |  |
Daytrippers- How is it where you are? on 11:50 - Mar 31 with 2474 views | BringBackTheRedRoom | The litter thing annoys the hell oit of me. It's not just day-trippers though.... Police patrols step up in Lytham as parents are told to educate their children over nuisance behaviour Residents in Lytham are being warned that police patrols will be stepped up in the town following anti-social behaviour and ‘powers’ could be used to prevent it. Residents in Lytham are being warned that police patrols will be stepped up in the town following anti-social behaviour and ‘powers’ could be used to prevent it. On Tuesday evening Fylde Police received reports of a large gathering and nuisance behaviour on the town’s green. It’s believed the trouble is being caused by youths are police have asked parents to support the police by educating their children. PCSO Martina Mantovani of the St Annes’ Neighbourhood Policing Team said: “We understand that it has been a difficult time for everyone recently, but the coronavirus regulations are still in place and they are there to protect people and save lives. “As a community which has worked together to prevent the virus we would encourage parents to continue to support the police in educating their children regarding covid legislation, especially given the efforts that the vast majority of people are making to get us back to normal as quickly as possible. PCSO Mantovani said that following the incidents at the town green, the neighbourhood policing team will be ‘increasing a presence in the area. She added: “We will not hesitate to use powers available to us if required. |  |
| ‘Where there is harmony, may we bring discord. Where there is truth, may we bring error. Where there is faith, may we bring doubt. And where there is hope, may we bring despair’ |
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Daytrippers- How is it where you are? on 15:36 - Mar 31 with 2455 views | spell_chekker |
Daytrippers- How is it where you are? on 11:50 - Mar 31 by BringBackTheRedRoom | The litter thing annoys the hell oit of me. It's not just day-trippers though.... Police patrols step up in Lytham as parents are told to educate their children over nuisance behaviour Residents in Lytham are being warned that police patrols will be stepped up in the town following anti-social behaviour and ‘powers’ could be used to prevent it. Residents in Lytham are being warned that police patrols will be stepped up in the town following anti-social behaviour and ‘powers’ could be used to prevent it. On Tuesday evening Fylde Police received reports of a large gathering and nuisance behaviour on the town’s green. It’s believed the trouble is being caused by youths are police have asked parents to support the police by educating their children. PCSO Martina Mantovani of the St Annes’ Neighbourhood Policing Team said: “We understand that it has been a difficult time for everyone recently, but the coronavirus regulations are still in place and they are there to protect people and save lives. “As a community which has worked together to prevent the virus we would encourage parents to continue to support the police in educating their children regarding covid legislation, especially given the efforts that the vast majority of people are making to get us back to normal as quickly as possible. PCSO Mantovani said that following the incidents at the town green, the neighbourhood policing team will be ‘increasing a presence in the area. She added: “We will not hesitate to use powers available to us if required. |
I don't know about daytrippers, I haven't been to any of the tourist spots for over a year. Some covid habits, like that hand gel stuff, are more relaxed but mask wearing is still the norm where I am. I get the feeling a lot of people like it. It hides their ugly mugs. Last weekend a neighbour went into the town centre to take part in a march / demo for the climate. There were a few floats in the procession and a live concert after. Distancing and masks were respected except among the younger element. 30° at work today and doing the hard yards in a mask. Why don't you go to China? It's covid free over there. |  |
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Daytrippers- How is it where you are? on 17:46 - Mar 31 with 2453 views | Imperial |
Daytrippers- How is it where you are? on 15:36 - Mar 31 by spell_chekker | I don't know about daytrippers, I haven't been to any of the tourist spots for over a year. Some covid habits, like that hand gel stuff, are more relaxed but mask wearing is still the norm where I am. I get the feeling a lot of people like it. It hides their ugly mugs. Last weekend a neighbour went into the town centre to take part in a march / demo for the climate. There were a few floats in the procession and a live concert after. Distancing and masks were respected except among the younger element. 30° at work today and doing the hard yards in a mask. Why don't you go to China? It's covid free over there. |
Good idea Spell. They started it and know how to stop it. i don't think Mrs Imp would go for it though. |  | |  |
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