| Forum Reply | Thread Names at 23:08 20 Jul 2021
I lived in Stoke at the time |
 | Forum Reply | Goldbond season tickets at 11:30 16 Aug 2020
Well I'll be signing up again from 1st September now that there will be changes to the personnel. |
 | Forum Reply | Our Craig at 23:44 27 Jul 2020
The new Hermann Hreiðarsson? |
 | Forum Reply | Steve Bull at 11:42 31 May 2020
Scorers in 86/87 in 3-0 defeat were Kelly, Purdie and Dennison I was mascot for the 87/88 match! |
 | Forum Reply | Easter message from DB at 12:18 11 Apr 2020
It might give Tony Lloyd time to catch up on his email correspondence. |
 | Forum Reply | Cant believe im asking this, but, BBM In or Out? at 13:37 31 Jan 2020
I voted in because I rarely like to see us sacking managers. This may however change if he continues to blindly select players that do not have the necessary skills to improve this squad, Keohane being the main culprit. BBM was given a squad who were low on morale last season and injected a bit of positivity back into those players to drag us away from the relegation zone. This season however there are no signs that this was anything more than "new manager" bounce. A few matches aside we still look as though there is no plan B, and cannot adapt to anything other than the style of play we set up with at the kick off. |
 | Forum Reply | Matheson to.... at 13:24 31 Jan 2020
The worrying part of that opening sentence is worth up to £1M. The Bywater deal was WORTH £2.5M, but how much of that did was actually realised? |
 | Forum Reply | Yesterday's ref at 10:05 27 Jan 2020
I always wonder why it is referees are dropped down the leagues for being poor. I understand if you are particularly good, then of course you should referee at the highest level. My confusion though is, if you are inept and make too many bad decisions which lead to consistently low marks from managers of both teams, then how is it fair to impose that on players further down the pyramid? If you are not good enough to referee in the Championship then you are not good enough to referee in the Evo-Stick League. |
 | Forum Reply | Manager Interviews: Steve Parkin at 19:36 23 Jan 2020
It was during his second tenure that this took place I should say. There were no ulterior motives for this, only what had occurred only a couple of years prior. My ire was solely down to the fact he left us so close to "glory" after we had waited so long. I suppose if we'd beaten Rushden, followed by Cheltenham my anger may not have been half as bad! That said, as previously stated I will continue to hold that grudge. Hill in my opinion was a different kettle of fish, he'd done what no manager had done for 40 years, seen it to completion, and left (I agree somewhat underhandedly) with what should of been a bit of stability, what happened after he left (other than the players that he took to Barnsley) was down to the boards decision as to his replacements. |
 | Forum Reply | Manager Interviews: Steve Parkin at 07:08 23 Jan 2020
His career seems to have been more successful as an Assistant rather than Manager. I will give him a bit of respect for one thing though. When he came back for his second spell I made my feelings toward him clear at a Q & A, and in the intermission he took the time to speak to me. He didn't convince me to change my mind about him, but he spent about half an hour being berated by me when he could have spent it having his ego massaged by other supporters. So fair play to him for that. |
 | Forum Reply | Manager Interviews: Steve Parkin at 18:35 22 Jan 2020
A good read, as was the Graham Barrow interview. I do however disagree that this man is unfairly maligned. He may admit now he made a mistake, but that should not detract from the fact he DID leave before he completed the job, and left us on the brink, which we fell back from and endured a further 10 years of basement football (the majority of which was upon his return from the promised land). He could have been the man to take us to League 1 and have us saying "Keith who?", but he chose to jump ship and we'll never know. I for one will hold that grudge until I'm grey and old. |
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