| News Comment | The sky is blue — Gianni Paladini leaves QPR at 13:54:13
Clive a few things i will point out that i think shed light on some of what you said. First of all you mention a fall out on work at harlington with Dave Morris from what i am told it was David Morris who put in the phones for as independent said was five grand cheaper than what others would have cost the job. the floor was nothing to do with him you need to ask Nico what the outcome of the case and the phones was as all i know is that Gianni lost that one as well. Morris brought in three players for QPR lee cook was not one of them as some thing. The fall out in the boardroom was about Gino and Gianni giving him a deal and not telling anyone and the Italian keeper that came in and also Gianni wanted to bring in Flo who was fecked. Then there was the rise and rise of agent fees and even Ian Evatt did not know which agent was his when he signed. Things were going on and no one else in the boardroom at times knew it was also said that even the monaco lot could not get anything out of Gianni and when Antonio came over he was taken sightseeing at times. As for the court case the only report that came out was done by Tracy as you know who did not inc at any point the main witness GP evidence and read his body languague instead which is fair enough as Nico helped edit it i see why that was. Tracy did her best as we all know but missing out his information on that day i felt left a gap in the report. That again left people in limbo. And that is the problem with Gianni he is so nice to people even the best of them that he leaves them thinking he is more a person who is a loveable and just gets his bits and bobs wrong now and again. Ask Calaiendo if that is how he sees GP now? Only ever a handful of people spoke out at GP at the height of his powers ISteve Russell ,Dave McIntyrne my Gen QPR 1st and a few messageboard posters and ex players. To me zico on indyrs called it right he came in with nothing and left minted not much you can add to that. And i hope and pray that the spilts in the fan base will heal and people will also be honest in the roles they played while GP was at the club. Now he is gone the main thing is we beat stoke tomorrow. |
 | News Comment | The sky is blue — Gianni Paladini leaves QPR at 22:38:15
For what it is worth Cureton gave the club lift and showed the then board that QPR fans could and would take the club forward and they never thought for one moment that we could do that. On to Gianni he did try and give me gifts when he turned up and i said no thanks then i faced like many others a few years of shite worst bit was when some smart arse thought it was a good idea to tell Nico at the court i said something we then got me some legal letters and cost me a a couple of hundred quid in legal fees all because some wanted to be on the inside. For me i could write a book on all the things that went on the people who got hassle that was a disgrace was Steve Russell and Harold Winton. My issue was i tried to argue and got in some really stupid ones. I said my bit on Indyrs my crime was i never took anything of Gianni or gave him what he craved and wanted a place of his own to target fellow fans who did not buy his bull shite, I am pleased he is gone he never saved the club just his job time after time. |
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