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Major incident in Southport
at 11:18 31 Jul 2024

They should have given a dispersal warning telling them that anyone who remained at the location was “considered to be rioting” given them 15 minutes to disperse, then formed a couple of running lines and let them have it.
Winter fuel allowance
at 11:08 31 Jul 2024

That’s exactly what I said.
Manchester airport
at 00:11 31 Jul 2024

Spot on.

Anyone with half a brain will should know this is the case, cctv and other potential evidence is only released when it won’t undermine the police investigation and a potential trial in Court. It’s always been the case in this country.
Winter fuel allowance
at 00:00 31 Jul 2024

MP’s don’t get a winter allowance and the £3,400 figure is nonsense from a Facebook post.

What MP’s are entitled to do is claim towards utility bills at 1 property, it can be more or less than the figure you quoted. I’m pretty sure 1 MP claimed for heating his stable, but reimbursed it when it came out.
[Post edited 31 Jul 0:18]
Doctors offered a pay rise by Govt
at 23:14 30 Jul 2024

The pay rises have come from recommendations of the statutory pay review bodies. Typically, the government outline the parameters that the are acceptable (what the country can allegedly afford) before the negotiations start so the review groups have some baselines to work with. Earlier this year when the review groups were convened, the government didn't issue any pre guidance so the groups have got on with the their jobs and made their recommendations which Labour have now inherited.

What is interesting is why didn’t the government issue the pre guidance to the review bodies? Did they take their eye off the ball and forget or was it deliberate so that Labour picked up a huge blank cheque or was there another reason? I’d be surprised if it was a trap for Labour because nobody thought we’d have the July GE and most of the money was on a winter election.
Doctors offered a pay rise by Govt
at 13:50 30 Jul 2024

It’s normal practice for Government to issue the pay review bodies with “terms of reference” at the start of the review process so the Review group have a steer on what’s affordable to the public purse before they start their work.

Seemingly, it appears the previous government failed to issue terms of reference this year and allowed the pay review bodies to crack on with no guidance. I wonder was this a deliberate act knowing they’d lose power and put more pressure on the public purse? If, after reviewing all the evidence and the submissions from all the stakeholders a pay review body makes a recommendation then surely a government has to honour it. I can only recall 1 occasion when the government refused to honour the outcome of such a process and that was when Theresa May imposed a lower than recommended pay rise on the police.
Winter fuel allowance
at 11:53 30 Jul 2024

The CMA were warned that allowing mergers and acquisitions of some of the bigger petrol retailers and supermarkets would result in higher prices, they acknowledged it but still let it happen. As a results profiteering has increased significantly.

Previously, independents were always more expensive than supermarkets garages, now it’s the other way round! Something isn’t right.
Manchester airport
at 11:49 30 Jul 2024

They can’t release the video, it’s evidence in a live criminal investigation which may end up in Court and this officer should now that.
Major incident in Southport
at 11:45 30 Jul 2024

You don’t say!

I have never seen a comment on the origins of someone before, but I suspect it was done because we’ve had a number of misleading posts on places like twitter claiming the person was a terrorist, was from Syria etc which just inflames community tensions and fuels the flames of the Tommy Robinson of the world.
I suspect the authorities have taken this unusual action to try and stop public disorder escalating after the Manchester Airport incident, Tommy Robinson business on the weekend and now this incident.

There’s good and bad in all walks of life and cultures.
[Post edited 30 Jul 11:54]
Major incident in Southport
at 11:33 30 Jul 2024

They will bring their own small team, but that’s not nearly enough to police the visit. Things like this will require search team officers to do sweeps and proper searches of the area being visited, they’ll need local officers to do the firearms back up, drivers for the convoy and back up, cops to control the crowds, other police to look out for the nutters, officers staff cordons etc etc etc.

It’s a huge abstraction of staff and you’ve just shown you haven’t got a clue.
Major incident in Southport
at 11:26 30 Jul 2024

You’re coming across like a right idiot. This isn’t the US and we have long standing protocols and laws in the U.K. which govern the way investigations are conducted and th3 protections afforded to suspects. When charged, adults can have their name publicised but that’s not the case for juveniles who have additional rights until they’re rescinded by a judge.

I’m sure Merseyside police would rather not have the royal family descend on them at this point in time with all the additional work that would create.
Doctors offered a pay rise by Govt
at 21:49 29 Jul 2024

The pensioners tend to be their best customers too.
Proposed Cap on Care Home Fees Scrapped
at 21:48 29 Jul 2024

This business with the care home fees really annoys me. Previous governments have kicked this can down the road and no one has grasped the nettle. The proposed cap is just that, it’s a proposal and the Conservatives did nothing to protect people and neither did Labour before them.

People have saved their hard earned for a better life for themselves and for their kids afterwards and the greedy care home shysters are ripping them off.
Proposed Cap on Care Home Fees Scrapped
at 18:27 29 Jul 2024

From what I understand in Wales the cap is £50k, any assets over £50k can be used to pay for care. I’m not 100% sure on this though and happy to be proved wrong.
Beep beep beep beep…:..
at 18:22 29 Jul 2024

She’s basically saying the previous regime had buried the bad news and hidden it from sight, the contingency budget of £9bn allegedly overspent by 300% in the first 3 months of the new financial year - if that’s true it’s disgraceful. A £9bn budget for 12 months already up to £27bn in the first 3 months of the year.

We’ll know who’s telling the truth when the OBR publish their review of Reeves allegations about the Conservatives hiding things from them and the country.
Winter fuel allowance
at 17:52 29 Jul 2024

Can’t be right when pensioners living in Spain get the winter fuel payment. I think it makes sense to means test it.
Manchester airport
at 23:08 28 Jul 2024

What are you on about? How do you know the police have been “so pathetic in catching them”? The police are putting people away everyday, but it takes effort, graft and resources and in case you’ve been AWOL over the last 14 years it’s only now that the police are getting back to the staffing levels they had in 2010, with less resources they’re always in the back foot. They’ve locked up plenty of wrong uns.

Have a read of what I posted last night.
[Post edited 29 Jul 0:31]
Manchester airport
at 18:54 28 Jul 2024

What are you on about? Infiltrated?
Leeds disorder
at 11:40 28 Jul 2024

There should be an investigation and the officer and his colleagues allowed to have their say on events instead of being tried by CCTV and the media.

Kicking someone in the head and stamping on them are pretty serious acts, but if the officers can justify their action and show their conduct was reasonable then they should be allowed to return to duty. Common law, The Criminal Law Act 1967 and the Human Rights Act 1987 all allow for reasonable force to be used. Bear in mind these officers were armed and could have had their weapons taken off them by the assailants or crowd then the risk levels are escalated and the situation is a lot more difficult to control.

Good on the Manchester Evening News for publishing this video, it puts a bit more context around things.
Attacks on the French rail network
at 23:21 27 Jul 2024

100%, there’s a lot of skullduggery going on and some of it has its origins in Russia.

We’re seeing hacking of commercial and non commercial organisations including hospitals etc. Given the fact Putin and his chums have Russia pretty much sewed up, you’d think activities such as the hacking would have been stamped out unless it was taking place in their interests or with their permission. They’ve been accused of orchestrating migrant movements to destabilise countries and governments, there was also evidence of payments being made to influencers to sow discord during Covid.
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