| News Comment | How Ainsworth’s dream job turned into his, and our, worst nightmare – Column at 18:54:47
I desperately wanted him to succeed, probably more than any other manager I can think of, simply because he is who he is. He wasn't the right choice for the role but I don't blame him for taking it: I know I would in his position! I wish him all the best. Hope he can move on and be happy and successful in whatever he chooses to do next. |
 | News Comment | End of Term Report 22/23 — Attack at 19:24:48
I'm not exactly an xG xPert but, based on those figures, Chair might actually be Superman. I love his approach to games and he'll be missed if / when he goes. |
 | News Comment | Ten things I hate about Pool — Preview at 16:37:19
Frankly, I am considering opening a pitchfork and flaming torch stand on South Africa Road after the last couple of games. Buy two and get a free 'Gob-Status: Bummed' t-shirt. |
 | News Comment | The greater evil — Column at 10:18:04
Great article Simon - the way football is being run these days simply beggars belief. |
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